Medical Devices That Are Vulnerable to Life-Threatening Hacks

We've compiled a list of some of the most concerning medical devices that are vulnerable to hacking.
Image may contain Corridor XRay Ct Scan Medical Imaging XRay Film Furniture and Bed
6. CT Scans.
Scott Erven and his team of researchers found vulnerabilities that left CT scanning equipment open to attack. They found, for example, that they could remotely alter the configuration files in a hospital's CT scan and change radiation exposure limits that set the amount of radiation patients receive.
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When you think about the Internet of Things, you probably think of smart refrigerators and smart electric meters, not smart pacemakers, insulin pumps, and x-ray machines. But medical devices and equipment have become increasingly software-based and network-connected, which means they're now just as vulnerable to the hacks that threaten other digital devices. What's more, security issues with medical devices can have more direct life-threatening consequences—just ask former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose doctors disabled the wireless capability in his pacemaker because they were concerned that a hacker could hijack it to deliver a fatal shock to his heart.

We've compiled a list of some of the most concerning medical devices that are vulnerable to hacking.