Whitepaper called Using XSS To Bypass XSRF Protection. Written in Romanian.
This is a whitepaper called Bypassing Spam Filter Using Homographs. Some generation code is also included.
Whitepaper called Reverse Engineering Malware Part 1.
Whitepaper called Actuality of SMBRelay in Modern Windows Networks.
Whitepaper called Intro to SQL Injection and Countermeasures.
This is a whitepaper called Exploring Windows Backdoors - Bypassing Firewalls on Webhosting Providers.
Whitepaper called The Source Is A Lie. Backdoors have always been a concern of the security community. In recent years the idea of not trusting the developer has gained momentum and manifested itself in various forms of source code review. For Java, being one of the most popular programming languages, numerous tools and papers have been written to help during reviews. While these tools and techniques are getting developed further, they usually focus on traditional programming paradigms. Modern concepts like Aspect Oriented Programming or the Java Reflection API are left out. Especially the use of Java’s Reflection API in conjunction with the lesser known “string pool” can lead to a new kind of backdoor. This backdoor hides itself from unwary reviewer by disguising its access to critical resources like credential through indirection. To raise the awareness about this particular kind of backdoor, this paper will provide a short introduction to the string pool, show how reflection can be used to manipulate it, demonstrate how a backdoor can abuse this, and discuss how it can be uncovered.
Whitepaper called JavaScript Deobfuscation - A Manual Approach.
This is a whitepaper called Blind Date With Your Girlfriend. It is a brief tutorial that explains how to use Metasploit to hack a Windows box.
Whitepaper called Anatomy of a Credit Card.
Whitepaper called DNS Spoofing. Written in Portuguese.
Whitepaper called Basic Pentesting Steps. Written in Portuguese.
Whitepaper called Exploring and Patching Remote File Disclosure Vulnerabilities. Written in Arabic.
Whitepaper called Using UPX as a Security Packer. It goes into detail on how to use this tool and how to bring obfuscation into it.
This is a whitepaper called Pentest: Information Gathering. Written in Spanish.
Whitepaper called Attacking the Washington, D.C. Internet Voting System. In 2010, Washington, D.C. developed an Internet voting pilot project that was intended to allow overseas absentee voters to cast their ballots using a website. The authors of this paper participated in a challenge to break the security of the system and in doing so, elected Bender from Futurama to the school board.
Whitepaper called Metasploit: Low Level View. It touches on topics such as code injection and malware detection evasion / Metasploit encoders.
Whitepaper called Return-Oriented Programming Na Unha! Written in Portuguese.
Whitepaper called Wi-Fi Security with Wi-Fi Protection Plus. Wi-Fi P+ is a new security architecture proposed by the authors.
Whitepaper called Shell Code Injection To Process. Written in Turkish.
Whitepaper called DNS Service Oriented Denial of Service / Distributed Denial of Service Attacks. Written in Turkish.
This is a brief whitepaper called A Backdoor in the Next Generation Active Directory.
Whitepaper called SafeSEH+SEHOP all-at-once bypass exploitation method principles.
Whitepaper called Buffer Overflows: Anatomy of an Exploit. A look at how systems are exploited and why these exploits exist.
Whitepaper called Linux Kernel Hooking, Data Manipulations and Making Root Exploits. Written in Turkish.
Whitepaper called Denial of Service attacks and mitigation techniques: Real time implementation with detailed analysis. Unlike other theoretical studies, this paper lays down the steps involved in implementing these attacks in real time networks. These real time attacks are measured and analyzed using network traffic monitors. In addition to that, this project also details various defense strategies that could be enabled on Cisco routers in order to mitigate these attacks. The detection and mitigation mechanisms designed here are effective for small network topologies and can also be extended to analogous large domains.