A remote exploitable vulnerability exists in clamav-milter when used with sendmail due to an insecure call to popen(). ClamAV versions prior to 0.91.2 are affected.
Execiis.c is a remote exploit for Bugtraq ID 2708 - Microsoft IIS CGI filename decode error. Ported to Cygwin by Luigi Grandini
Imap4 prior to v2001a remote exploit for Linux. Requires user account, includes offsets for Slackware 7.1 and Redhat 7.2.
eSO Security Advisory 5063 - The gettransbitmap CGI, which is part of the AnswerBook2 Documentation Server, contains a remote exploitable buffer overflow. This vulnerability affects Sun AnswerBook2 version 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2 and 1.4.3.
The Boozt! banner management software for Linux v0.9.8alpha remote exploit. Included shellcode creates a suid httpd shell in /tmp. Fix available here.
Jack.c is a remote exploit for the Active Perl ISAPI overflow described in Bugtraq ID 3526. Sends you a shell with SYSTEM level access.
Badboy.c is a remote exploit for the Win32 Checkpoint Firewall-1 GUI log viewer program. Binds a shell to a port with SYSTEM level access. Must be run from a valid GUI client machine.
Comphack.c is a remote exploit for Compaq Insight Manager.
CgiXp.exe is a remote exploit for Webcart v8.4 (bugtraq id 3453) and several unicode vulnerabilities (bugtraq id 1806). Tested against Windows NT Server 2000 / IIS 5.0 and Linux Red Hat 7.2 / Apache 1.3.22 +webcart.cgi. Gui based, requires Visual Basic 5.0 .OCX files in your system directory (richtext ocx, msinet dll).
Cso.c is a remote exploit for cgicso included with cgiemail 1.6. Tested on Slackware Linux 7.1 running Apache 1.3.20.
Tstot.c is a remote exploit for xloadimage for Red Hat 7.0. Xloadimage is a Netscape 4.77 helper application with a buffer overflow vulnerability. Binds a shell to a port. Fix available here.
Execiis.c is a remote exploit for Bugtraq ID 2708 - Microsoft IIS CGI filename decode error.
Jill.c (fixed version) is a remote exploit for the IIS 5.0 / Windows 2000 remote .printer overflow. Spawns a reverse cmd shell.
Named v8.2.x remote root exploit - Uses the tsig bug. Only includes linux shellcode.
Suq Diq v1.00 is a remote exploit for IBM Net.Commerce, WebSphere and possibly other IBM and Lotus applications as well. These products use Tripple DES with a fixed key by default, allowing remote users to gain the usernames and plaintext passwords of all Net.Commerce accounts. Exploit URL's included.
SQLExec v1.1 is a remote exploit for Microsoft SQL server which executes remote commands as Administrator over tcp port 1433. Requires a database sa login / password. Includes binary and source written in Visual C++ 6.0 for Windows NT/2K/9X. Note: Many AV software erroriously reports this as a trojan.
Whois.pl is a remote exploit for Fastgraf's whois.cgi perl script.
Multihtml.c is a remote exploit for /cgi-bin/multihtml.pl, versions previous to 2.2 which spawns a remote shell.
Red Hat Security Advisory - The version of ntop which was included in Red Hat Powertools 6.2 has a remote exploit in which arbitrary files can be read on the host machine as root.
Sniffit 0.3.7Beta Remote Exploit - sniffit has to be running (-L mail) flag set for this to work. Tested on RedHat 6.0.
Simple module to prevent lame people from using your box as a launch base for spoofed ip packets. Intercepts the socketcall() system call looking for the IP_HDRINCL parameter passed via setsockopt().
Avirt mail server 3.3a remote exploit and 3.5 DoS. Win98 executable.
NTISSAM COMPUSEC/1-87: Advisory Memorandum on Office Automation Security Guidelines
These utilities enable you to quickly view and modify NDS information.
Supplemental file to n4pa135.zip
This NDS utility is meant specifically for Netware 4.1x networks.