This is a script that checks the WordPress WP Rocket plugin to see if it is a version vulnerable to local file inclusion.
This is a script to check your kernel versions to see if you're susceptible to CVE-2024-26581.
This is a script to trigger (Rowhammer) bit flips on TRR-enabled DDR4 SDRAM through Firefox. It will only work with THP enabled and after having set the target-specific parameters.
This is a script to perform SSH/SSL RSA private key passphrase enumeration with a dictionary attack.
This is a script for reverse whois using BING.
This is a script to obtain a basic shell remotely on unix systems behind firewalls. Client gets commands by periodically polling the server and sends the output back after executing them. Traffic traverses firewall as standard outgoing HTTP GET/POST requests. HTTP requests/responses carry payload b64 encoded.