Summary: Google Urchin is vulnerable to a Local File Include (LFI) vulnerability that allows arbitrary reading of files.  Confirmed in version 5.7.03 running on Linux.  Issue may exist in other versions as well. Windows builds seemingly affected too. Analysis: During normal usage, Google Urchin creates files on disk that are then embedded into report pages for visual data representation. Unfortunately, an LFI vulnerability is introduced because proper filtering is not performed.  The included files live under $INSTALL_PATH and look something like this: data/cache/localhost/admin-1102-23087-1292412725. """ $ file ./data/cache/localhost/admin-1102-23087-1292412725 ./data/cache/localhost/admin-1102-22410-1292411043: XML  document text $ head ./data/cache/localhost/admin-1102-23087-1292412725 ]>