####################################### # Concept E-commerce SQL Injection Vulnerability ####################################### # Vendor : http://www.conceptinternetltd.com/ecommerce.php http://www.conceptinternetltd.com/brochure.php # Software : ubuntu 10.04 # Date : 31/07/2010 # by : gendenk # Site : http://jatimcrew.org # Dork intext : "Website by conceptinternetltd" # Exploit : [site]/product_list.php?id=[SQL Injection] # Exploit : [site]/news.php?id==[SQL Injection] ####################################### # Demo # http://localhost/product_desc.php?id=979 [SQL Injection] # Demo: # http://localhost/news.php?id=[SQL Injection] ####################################### Dedicated For : Sekuritionline, Jatimcrew and Hacbox Crew Life is challanging, the fear of challanges, causing you for backwardness..Facing for the bright future.. #Thanks to : ALLAH SWT dan Nabi Muhammad SAW, BAPAK Koe dan Almarhum Ibu Koe.... Cyberlog, Cr4wl3r, Byz9991, Darkavanger, Newbie_Campuz,Unixcode,Bom2stalker, Phoenixhaxor, Xcyberx, Shamus and MAMA Sri Rahayu [ istri cyberlog ] Semoga Cepet Sembuh..