Hello Bugtraq. I write to notify a vulnerability in Kaspersky Antivirus that allows the code injection in the process that is executed in user's context, allowing: 1. The modification, creation and elimination of the values and keys in the Registration with respect to the configuration of the antivirus. 2. The modification, creation and elimination of folders and files in the installation directory protected by this. The versions in which this vulnerability has been proven have been the following ones: 5.0.712 The version, it detects and it refuses the intrusion; the version don't detect the intrusion but it doesn't execute the exploit. The code injection is possible from an user restricted with minimum privileges The vulnerability this related with Pro-active Defense, specifically in the event of Sub-control of Windows, which controls the installation of hooks among applications; this for defect comes disabled when installing the antivirus allowing this breach of security, because it is not verified on the part of the protection. The vulnerability can be mitigated activating the event of Sub-control of Windows. The exploit is simple: 1. To obtain the one identifies of a thread associated to a window of the antivirus, by means of the function GetWindowThreadProcessId (). ThId=GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd, & Pid); 2. To install the hook by means of the function SetWindowsHookEx associated to our dll. hHook=SetWindowsHookEx (WH_GETMESSAGE, HookProc, hMod, ThId); 3. And to send a message to the window for the activation of the installed hook. SendMessage (hWnd, WM_SETFOCUS,0,0); The vulnerability was notified to Kaspersky Lab the January 20 2010.