##########################[Andrés Gómez]########################## # Exploit Title : INVOhost SQL Injection # Date : 2010-04-24 # Author : Andrés Gómez # Software Link : http://www.invohost.com/ # Contact : gomezandres@adinet.com.uy # Dork : "Powered by INVOhost" ######################################################################## # An attacker may execute arbitrary SQL statements on the vulnerable system. This may compromise the # integrity of your database and/or expose sensitive information. ######################################################################## # Example 1: http://server/site.php?id=%27 # Example 2: http://server/site.php?newlanguage=%00' # Other files vulnerables: faq.php & manuals.php ######################################################################## # Malicious users may inject SQL querys into a vulnerable # application to fool a user in order to gather data from them or see sensible information. ######################################################################## # Solution: # $_GET = preg_replace("|([^\w\s\'])|i",'',$_GET); # $_POST = preg_replace("|([^\w\s\'])|i",'',$_POST); # Add them to your template index.php after the first