============================================================================== _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ | | | | / \ | | | | / _ \ | | | | / _ \ | |_| | / ___ \ | |___ | |___ / ___ \ | _ | IN THE NAME OF /_/ \_\ |_____| |_____| /_/ \_\ |_| |_| ============================================================================== [»] ~ Note : [ Tribute to the martyrs of Gaza . ] ============================================================================== [»] Espace de réflexion [xss] Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability ============================================================================== [»] Script: [ Espace de réflexion ] [»] Language: [ PHP ] [»] Site page: [ Ceci est un forum thematique en effet vous pouvez laisser vos commentaires ] [»] Download: [ http://www.comscripts.com/jump.php?action=script&id=1375 ] [»] Founder: [ ViRuSMaN ] [»] Greetz to: [ HackTeach Team , Egyptian Hackers , All My Friends & pentestlabs.com ] [»] My Home: [ HackTeach.Org , Islam-Attack.Com ] ########################################################################### ===[ Exploit ]=== [»] http://[target].com/[path]/idees.php?name=[xss vuln] ===[ Live Demo ]=== [»] Test it on localhost Author: ViRuSMaN <- ########################################################################### ________________________________ Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail you.