#! /usr/bin/python # ~ Perfect Keylogger Admin Password Decrypt0r & Sett0r ~ # ~~JUST FOR FUN PROJECT! ~ # First of all: # I DONT take ANY responsibility for this code. # You use it by YOUR OWN RISK! # If you NOT accept it delete this file now! # If you accept it have fun and backup your pk.bin file befor editing! # [TARGET_INFO] # Application : Perfect Keylogger Demo\Fullversion # Version : Tested with version # Vendor : BlazingTools - BlazingTools.com # [SCRIPT_INFO] # Autor : Iman Karim # Date : 28. Jan. 2008 # E-Mail : iman.karim \x40 smail \x2E inf \x2E fh-bonn-rhein-sieg \x2E de # Additional : Python OS Independent Code # Greets : SenoRita, Invisible, Exorzist, Xplosive # [HOWTO] # 1. Close Perfect Keylogger (Terminate it or Exit it) # Don't forget this step because PKL is rewriting the pk.bin OnExit. # 2. Write down where the pk.bin file is located. # Usually its on c:\program files\bpk\pk.bin # Of corse you can copy the file at your favorite destination. # But dont forget to copy it back to the location if you set a new password ;) # 3. Run this script over the pk.bin # See USAGE for more information about this step. # 4. Enjoy to have back the control over your System :) # [USAGE] # ./pkl_tool.py (decrypt|encrypt) (/path/to/pk.bin) [new_password] # Reallife examples: # # **On Linux: # ./pkl_tool.py decrypt /home/jackd/pk.bin # - This will try to extract and decrypt the AdminPassword from your pk.bin. # ./pkl_tool.py encrypt /home/jackd/pk.bin "I AM ADMIN" # - This will try to open the pk.bin file and change the password to "I AM ADMIN". # # **On Windows: # c:\pythonpath\python.exe pkl_tool.py decrypt "c:\program files\bpk\pk.bin" # - This will try to extract and decrypt the AdminPassword from your pk.bin. # c:\pythonpath\python.exe pkl_tool.py encrypt "c:\program files\bpk\pk.bin" "I AM ADMIN" # - This will try to open the pk.bin file and change the password to "I AM ADMIN". import sys, os def createTable(): table = [] table.append(0xA) table.append(0xB) table.append(0x8) table.append(0x9) table.append(0xE) table.append(0xF) table.append(0xC) table.append(0xD) table.append(0x2) table.append(0x3) table.append(0x0) table.append(0x1) table.append(0x6) table.append(0x7) table.append(0x4) table.append(0x5) for i in range(0, len(table)): table.append(table[i] + 0x10) ret = {} num = 0 for i in range(32, 63 +1): ret[chr(i)] = table[num] + 0x80 num += 1 num = 0 for i in range(64, 95 +1): ret[chr(i)] = table[num] + 0xE0 num += 1 num = 0 for i in range(96, 127 +1): ret[chr(i)] = table[num] + 0xC0 num += 1 return(ret) table = createTable() def Decrypt(Ascii): for char, value in table.items(): if Ascii == value: return(char) print "Undecryptable Byte: %i" %(Ascii) return("?") def Encrypt(Char): for char, value in table.items(): if Char == char: return(chr(value)) print "Uhmm! You have a strange Char in your Password! Aborting!" sys.exit(0) def getFileObj(path): try: pkbin = open(path, "r+") except: print "Failed to open '%s'! Aborting." %path sys.exit(0) size = os.path.getsize(path) if size != 4204: print "Your pkl.bin have an invalid filesize! The File should have 4204 bytes but have %i! Aborting." %size sys.exit(0) print "File seems to be OK." return(pkbin) if len(sys.argv) >= 3: cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd == "decrypt": path = sys.argv[2] print "Trying to open '%s' to extract and decrypt AdminPassword..." %path pkbin = getFileObj(path) pkbin.seek(1812) byte = "" pw = "" while byte != 0xAA: byte = ord(pkbin.read(1)) if byte != 0xAA: pw += Decrypt(byte) pkbin.close() if pw != "": print "Admin PW is: '%s'." %(pw) else: print "Password not found. However, it could mean that there is no Adminpassword set." elif cmd == "encrypt": path = sys.argv[2] newpw = "" if len(sys.argv) == 4: newpw = sys.argv[3] if len(newpw) >= 84: print "Your password is too long! C'Mon choose a shorter password." sys.exit(0) else: print "Invalid count of params." print "If you want to set a new password you should provide one, shouldnt you? :)" sys.exit(0) print "Trying to open '%s' to write the AdminPassword '%s'..." %(path, newpw) pkbin = getFileObj(path) pkbin.seek(1812) pw = "" for char in newpw: pw += Encrypt(char) pw += chr(0xAA) * (84-len(pw)) pkbin.write(pw) pkbin.close() print "Operation Done. The new password should be set!" else: print "Invalid count of params!" print "Open this script with a Texteditor for more Details."