#!/usr/bin/perl -w ###################################################################### # proxyScan v0.1 # # by Ed Blanchfield http://www.e-things.org/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the # GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # If you do not have a copy of the GNU General Public License write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, # MA 02139, USA. # # ####################################################################### use Getopt::Long; use LWP::UserAgent; use strict; my $DEBUG; my $ports; my $targets; my $proxy; my $method; my $delay; my $timeout; my $userAgent = "proxyScan/0.1"; ###################################################################### # main() &getArgs; # process each target host separated by comma's. foreach my $targetHost (split(/,/, $targets)) { # check if it's an IP range if ($targetHost =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/) { # save start and end of range as decimal my $startIp = &ip2dec($1); my $endIp = &ip2dec($2); # sanity check the range if ($startIp > $endIp) { print "$0: startIp is greater than endIp "; print "in $targetHost\n"; die; } # iterate each IP address in the range for (my $dec=$startIp; $dec <= $endIp; $dec++) { # scan each IP by for each port foreach my $targetPort (split(/,/, $ports)) { # if the port is a range if ($targetPort =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { my $startPort = $1; my $endPort = $2; if ($startPort > $endPort) { print "$0: startPort is", " greater than endPort", " in $targetPort\n"; die; } for (my $port=$startPort; $port <= $endPort; $port++) { my $ip=&dec2ip($dec); &scanPort($ip,$port); } # otherwise a single port } else { my $ip=&dec2ip($dec); &scanPort($ip,$targetPort); } } } # process single IP's, or hostnames } else { # scan this host for each port foreach my $targetPort (split(/,/, $ports)) { # if the port is a range if ($targetPort =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { my $startPort = $1; my $endPort = $2; if ($startPort > $endPort) { print "$0: startPort is", " greater than endPort", " in $targetPort\n"; die; } for (my $port=$startPort; $port <= $endPort; $port++) { my $ip=$targetHost; &scanPort($ip,$port); } # otherwise a single port } else { my $ip=$targetHost; &scanPort($ip,$targetPort); } } } } # the end, only funtions from here on exit; ###################################################################### # Check and set options from command line args # sub getArgs() { Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case'); my $optVerbose; my $optHelp; my $optPorts; my $optTimeout; my $optDelay; my $optMethod; my $optTargets; GetOptions ("v|verbose" => \$optVerbose, "h|help" => \$optHelp, "p|ports=s" => \$optPorts, "o|timout=s" => \$optTimeout, "d|delay=s" => \$optDelay, "m|method=s" => \$optMethod, "t|targets=s" => \$optTargets); if ($optHelp) { # then help / usage option print "Usage: $0 [options below]\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " --help", "\tthis message.\n"; print " --verbose", "\tbe verbose for debugging.\n"; print " --ports", "\tports to scan for.\n"; print "\t\tExample: 80-90,8080-8090,443,23,22\n"; print " --targets", "\ttarget hosts to scan for through proxy. Default is localhost.\n"; print "\t\tExample: localhost,,myhost.somedomain.com\n"; print " --timeout", "\ttimeout in seconds to wait for a response. default is 2 seconds\n"; print " --delay", "\tdelay in seconds between requests. Default is 0.5.\n"; print " --method", "\trequest method (CONNECT/GET/OPTIONS/TRACE/etc). default is GET.\n"; print "\n"; print "Set proxy with environment variables *_proxy. "; print "Example: export http_proxy=http://proxy.my.place:8080/\n\n"; exit; } if ($optVerbose) { # set debugging / verbose output $DEBUG=1; } else { # default my $DEBUG=0; } if ($optPorts) { # ports to scan through if ($optPorts =~ /^[\d,-]+$/) { $ports = $optPorts; } else { die "$0: invalid ports.\n"; } } else { # default port to 80 $ports = "80"; } if ($optTargets) { # target hosts to scan through proxy if ($optTargets =~ /^[\d\w\.,-]+$/) { $targets = $optTargets; } else { die "$0: invalid targets.\n"; } } else { # default targets to localhost only $targets = "localhost"; } if ($optTimeout) { # timout in secs for a response if ($optTimeout =~ /^\d+$/) { $timeout = $optTimeout; } else { die "$0: invalid timeout.\n"; } } else { # default timeout $timeout = "2"; } if ($optDelay) { # delay in secs between request if ($optDelay =~ /^\d+$/) { $delay = $optDelay; } else { die "$0: invalid delay.\n"; } } else { # default delay $delay = "0.5"; } if ($optMethod) { # HTTP method if ($optMethod =~ /^\w+$/) { $method = uc($optMethod); } else { die "$0: invalid method.\n"; } } else { # default method $method = "GET"; } } ###################################################################### # Scan for a target and port # sub scanPort() { my $target = shift || die "$0: no target passed to scanPort()\n"; my $port = shift || die "$0: no port passed to scanPort()\n"; if ($target && $port) { # Create a user agent object my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("$userAgent "); $ua->timeout($timeout); $ua->env_proxy; my $url = "http://".$target.":".$port; if ($DEBUG) { if ($ENV{http_proxy}) { print "proxy = $ENV{http_proxy}\n"; } else { print "proxy = [NOT SET]\n"; } print "port = $port\n"; print "target = $target\n"; print "url = $url\n"; } # Create a request my $req = HTTP::Request->new($method => $url); # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back my $res = $ua->request($req); # Check the outcome of the response my $passFail;; if ($res->is_success) { $passFail="pass"; } else { $passFail="fail"; } print "result=\"$passFail\","; print "URL=\"$url\","; print "method=\"$method\","; if ($ENV{http_proxy}) { print "proxy=\"$ENV{http_proxy}\","; } else { print "proxy=\"[NOT SET]\","; } print "result=\"".$res->status_line, "\"\n"; # uncomment for the response content #print $res->content; # sleep a while based on the delay set # the delay is important. without this LWP # will send out request as fast as it can and # we may miss the response. sleep($delay); } else { die "$0: you must specify at least on host and one port\n"; } } ###################################################################### # Convert IP addresses to decimal for use with ranges # sub ip2dec() { my $hex; my $ip = shift || return; # Sanity check arguments and example regex of an IP address, almost. if ($ip !~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/ ) { die "$0: Invalid IP address given to ip2dec - $ip\n"; } # Convert to Hex foreach my $octet (split(/\./,$ip, 4)) { die "Invalid IP address given\n" if($octet < 0 || $octet > 255); $hex .= sprintf("%02x",$octet); } # Convert to decimal and return return hex($hex); } ###################################################################### # Convert Decimal to IP address # sub dec2ip { my $dec = shift || return; # Sanity check arguments if ($dec !~ /^\d+$/ ) { die "$0: Invalid decimal IP given to dec2ip - $dec\n"; } my $hexagain = sprintf("%08x", $dec); my $octet1 = substr($hexagain,0,2); my $octet2 = substr($hexagain,2,2); my $octet3 = substr($hexagain,4,2); my $octet4 = substr($hexagain,6,2); my $dec1 = hex($octet1); my $dec2 = hex($octet2); my $dec3 = hex($octet3); my $dec4 = hex($octet4); return "$dec1.$dec2.$dec3.$dec4"; }