Synopsis: Ipswitch WS_FTP Server 5.04 multiple arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities Michal Bucko (sapheal), HACKPL. I. BACKGROUND "[..]WS_FTP Server is commonly used for setting up an FTP server that allows users to login, download and upload files.[..]", note from Ipswitch web site. II. DESCRIPTION The first Vulnerability lies in iFTPAddU file, which is a part of the WS_FTP Server and allows adding a new user. The iFTPAddU user-adding function cannot handle longer than acceptable strings (it informs that the provided string is too long but fails to react in an appropriate way). The second vulnerability lies in iFTPAddH, which is also the part of WS_FTP Server. It is similar to the mentioned above. The third vulnerability lies in a edition module. There are local hostnames that can be added using iFTPAddH but the WS_FTP Server user cannot modify them or delete as the application fails to perform adequate bounds-checks on user-supplied input. Morever, Ipswitch Notification Server might also be vulnerable to remote arbitrary code execution but, still, I haven't proved that yet. III. IMPACT Successful exploitation of the vulnerability allows the attacker to run arbitrary code in context of current user.