#!/usr/bin/perl # # googlegath.pl - simple Google-Search to gathering site/domain informations; # Copyright (c) 2006 by Matteo Cantoni # # Note: put your google's key in "GOOGLE_KEY" (http://www.google.com/apis/) # use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Net::Google; use constant GOOGLE_KEY => "INSERT YOUR KEY"; my $name = "googlegath.pl"; my $version = "v0.3"; my $description = "simple Google-Search to gathering site/domain informations"; my $copyright = "Copyright (c) 2006"; my $author = "Matteo Cantoni "; our ($opt_a, $opt_i, $opt_t, $opt_s, $opt_f, $opt_k, $opt_m, $opt_d, $opt_l, $opt_h); my $usage = "$name $version - $description\n$copyright by $author\n Usage ./$name [-a allinurl] [-i inurl] [-t intitle] [-s site/domain] [-f filetype] [-k keyword] [-m max_results] [-d debug] [-l logfile.html] [-h] -m, default max_results is 100; -d, enable debug: print url, domains and rdns; -l, enable logging in html format; Examples\n ./$name -a /backup/ -s gov -f txt -m 16 ./$name -a /cgi-bin/ -s com -k awstats -m 10 -d ./$name -a /cgi-bin/ -s de -f pl -m 10 -d ./$name -a /scripts/ -s edu -f cgi -m 10 -l logfile.html ./$name -s edu -f cgi -m 20 -d ./$name -t \"VNC Desktop\" -i 5800 -m 10 -d -l logfile.html ./$name -i \"main.php\" -k \"phpMyAdmin\" -s com -m 10\n "; getopts('a:i:t:s:f:m:k:dl:h'); die $usage if $opt_h; die $usage if !$opt_a && !$opt_i && !$opt_t && !$opt_k && !$opt_s && !$opt_f; $|=1; my $allinurl = $opt_a || ""; my $inurl = $opt_i || ""; my $intitle = $opt_t || ""; my $site = $opt_s || ""; my $filetype = $opt_f || ""; my $keyword = $opt_k || ""; my $max_results = $opt_m || 100; my $localtime = localtime(); my $google = Net::Google->new( key=>GOOGLE_KEY ); if ($opt_l){ open (LOG, ">$opt_l") || die " Cannot open the log file: $!\n"; print LOG "$name log file\n"; print LOG "

$name log file

\n"; print LOG "


\n"; } print "$name $version - $description\n$copyright by $author\n"; if ($allinurl){ $allinurl = "allinurl:$allinurl"; }else{ $allinurl = ""; } if ($inurl){ $inurl = "inurl:$inurl"; }else{ $inurl = ""; } if ($intitle){ $intitle =~ s/^|$/"/g; $intitle = "intitle:$intitle"; }else{ $intitle = ""; } if ($site){ $site = "site:$site"; }else{ $site = ""; } if ($filetype){ $filetype = "filetype:$filetype"; }else{ $filetype = ""; } if ($keyword){ $keyword =~ s/^|$/"/g; }else{ $keyword = ""; } my $string = "$allinurl $inurl $intitle $site $filetype $keyword"; $string =~ s/^\s\s+|\s\s+$//g; print "\n[+] $string\n\n"; print LOG "\n$string

" if $opt_l; scan($string); print "\n"; if ($opt_l){ print LOG "\n"; close LOG; print "[+] log file $opt_l created.\n"; } exit(0); sub scan { my $string = shift; my $search = $google->search( max_results=>$max_results ); $search->query(($string)); foreach my $r (@{$search->response()}){ my @results = map { $_->URL(); } @{$r->resultElements()}; foreach my $res(@results){ if ($opt_d){ my (undef,$site) = split(/http:\/\/|https:\/\//,$res); ($site,undef) = split(/\//,$site); if ($site !~ /\w+\:\d+|(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\:\d+/g){ my $addr = gethostbyname("$site"); my $ip_add = join('.', unpack("C*",$addr)) || "-"; print "$res $site $ip_add\n"; print LOG "$res $site $ip_add
" if $opt_l; }else{ my (undef,$addr,undef) = split(/\:/,$res); $addr =~ s/\/+//g; my $ip_add = gethostbyname("$addr"); $ip_add = join('.', unpack("C*",$ip_add)) || "-"; print "$res $addr $ip_add\n"; print LOG "$res
" if $opt_l; } } else{ print "$res\n"; print LOG "$res
" if $opt_l; } } } }