#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################################### #DESCRIPTION: # Perl HTTP proxy that modifies or adds an HTTP header for all outgoing HTTP # traffic. Listens on by default, and can handle multiple requests, # but HTTP only (no HTTPS). # #USAGE: # ./httprox
[-a] # # *Header Title is the specific header you wish to modify/add, such as Cookie, # User-Agent, etc. Header keywords are case-sensitive. # # *Header Value is the value to assign to that header. # # *Specifying the -a argument will cause the header to be added at the end of the # existing HTTP request. # #EXAMPLES: # ./httprox User-Agent "None of your business..." # ./httprox Cookie SOMECOOKIEDATA # ./httprox Test-Header "This is a test header" -a # #SCRIPT CUSTOMIZATION: # There are three main variables listed at the beginning of the script that may # come of interest to the user: $ip, $port and $host_port. # # $ip and $port specify which local socket will be used to listen for connections # from the web browser, and are set to by default. # # $host_port specifies the port on the server to connect to; this is port 80 by # default, but can be changed if you need to connect to a server that runs on a # non-standard port. # #BUGS: # This script is meant to be used for testing purposes, not as a full-fleged proxy; # that being said, it has been tested and works with Firefox, IE and Opera, and # should work with any other HTTP/1.1 compliant browser out there. # # When manually entering a web address in your web browser, it is best to include the # 'www' along with the domain you wish to navigate to (i.e., 'www.google.com' instead # of just 'google.com'). # # Please report any problems to heffnercj [at] gmail.com. # #AUTHOR: # Craig Heffner # http://www.craigheffner.com # heffnercj [at] gmail.com # 10/09/06 ########################################################################################## use IO::Socket; #######Change these variables to specify different IP address and port values######## $ip = ''; $port = '8080'; $host_port = '80'; ##################################################################################### #Check usage if(!$ARGV[0] || !$ARGV[1]){ print "\nUsage: ./httprox
[-a]\n\nSee the script comments for more details.\n\n"; exit; } #Header to replace $header=$ARGV[0] .":"; #Value to subsitute $substitute=$ARGV[1]; #Do we want to add the header instead of replacing it? if($ARGV[2] eq "-a"){ $add = 1; } else { $add = 0; } #Create a socket listening on $ip:$port my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => $ip, LocalPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 65535, Reuse => 1, ); die "Failed to create socket: $!\n" unless $sock; print "Socket created - listening for connections on $ip:$port\n\n"; #Loop to listen for connections and fork when one is established do { my $conn = $sock->accept(); #Fork the process my $pid = fork(); print "Recieved request - "; #If this is a child process, process the request if($pid == 0){ #Read the request into $request until CRLF is encountered while(<$conn>){ if($_ eq "\r\n"){ last; } $request .= $_; } #Get the destination host name and store it in $host ($junk, $host1) = split('Host: ',$request); ($host, $junk) = split("\r\n",$host1); if($add == 1){ #Add the header to the end of the request sting $request .= $header . " " . $substitute . "\r\n"; } else { #Replace the specified header with the appropriate substitute $request =~ s/^$header.+\r$/$header $substitute\r/m; } #Add the final CRLF to the HTTP request $request .= "\r\n"; #Create connection to the host server print "request processed, connecting to $host - "; my $host_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $host_port, ); die "Failed to connect to $host: $!\n" unless $host_sock; #Retrieve requested data from host server $host_sock->autoflush(1); print $host_sock $request; while(<$host_sock>){ $reply .= $_; } #Send data back to browser print $conn $reply; #Clean up print "transfer complete, closing socket.\n"; close($host_sock); close($sock); #Kill the child process exit; } } while(1); exit;