rPath Security Advisory: 2006-0096-1 Published: 2006-06-07 Products: rPath Linux 1 Rating: Minor Exposure Level Classification: Remote Root Deterministic Unauthorized Access Updated Versions: spamassassin=/conary.rpath.com@rpl:devel//1/3.0.6-0.1-1 References: http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2006-2447 http://issues.rpath.com/browse/RPL-397 Description: Previous versions of spamassassin have a remote unauthorized access vulnerability only in a non-default and very uncommon configuration. It affects only systems where spamd is used with vpopmail virtual users, via the "-v" or "--vpopmail" switch, and when the "-P" or "--paranoid" switch has been used. Both switches have to be enabled for the vulnerability to exist.